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For this tutorial you will need lattice, if you don't have it there will be a link at the bottom of the tutorial.

1. create a new canvas. (any size)

2. render lattice (effects>render>lattice)

3. use dents (effects>distort>dents) with these settings


4. repeat dents (Ctrl+F)

5. use curves (adjustments>curves) with these settings


That's the end!


Lattice - http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/18811-ed-harvey-effects-v-35/ (I can't find it by itself so you'll have to download the whole package)

Check out my gallery/archive: here


Just keep on keeping on. ✌


Hey there Riddley,

Thanks for contributing this. Unfortunately it is too simplistic to merit a full tutorial. We appreciate the effort it took to create the tutorial, but there are many simple ways to create such a result.

Please use SEARCH ( http://searchpaint.net/ ) before you post a tutorial. Doing so would have yielded this thread where several techniques for creating sand are listed: http://forums.getpai...t-request-sand/

Please also read our Tutorial Guidelines (in particular 4, 5a & 6 ).

Don't be downhearted that I've closed this thread. I'm sure we'll hear great things from you before too long ;)


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