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Is my first project too much?

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Good Morning (afternoon, evening) boltbait.mrgreen.png

What I am trying to do with this project is to:

1. start off with a black background. Paint in a night sky or dark cave for the background.

2. Take a photo of a man that has been cut-out from an original photo (how to cut it without any original background)

3. paste it onto my background

4. take my photo of the man and turn him into a scary vampire ( I know thats going to be a challenge, especially if his skin color is tanned) - on this last one I think I know how to change skin color without erasing any details, but I need to know whats the best way to change eye color (make glowing eyes)?

5. don't worry about the teeth boltbait.lol.png - I found a tutorial on that.

Do you want to see the photo I want to work on?

Am I biting off more than I can chew with this project for a newbie?

Any advice or input is helpful

Thank You in advance

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It is do-able. It will take patience & a lot of trial & error with a lot of tutes thrown in. This is not something you can do in an hour.

You will want to search for tutes:

For the background try one of the spacescape tutes.

Cutting out would be best done by Alpha Masking - same with changing the skin colour. There are a few tutes on this.

For changing the eyes, there is a tute & a recent one at that. As for the glow, duplicate they eyes, remembering that as much as possible should be on its own layer & name it! OR you could use the brush tool & blur/layer blend. Play with Blurs, Drop Shadow in the glow colour, layer blend modes. Look at other tutes on merging photos. There have been some really good ones.

Again - as much as possible on its own layer & name it. Bestest advice I can give.


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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It is do-able. It will take patience & a lot of trial & error with a lot of tutes thrown in. This is not something you can do in an hour.

You will want to search for tutes:

For the background try one of the spacescape tutes.

Cutting out would be best done by Alpha Masking - same with changing the skin colour. There are a few tutes on this.

For changing the eyes, there is a tute & a recent one at that. As for the glow, duplicate they eyes, remembering that as much as possible should be on its own layer & name it! OR you could use the brush tool & blur/layer blend. Play with Blurs, Drop Shadow in the glow colour, layer blend modes. Look at other tutes on merging photos. There have been some really good ones.

Again - as much as possible on its own layer & name it. Bestest advice I can give.

Thank You very much for your advice it will be very helpful boltbait.cool.png

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You may want to start by following some tutorials in the tutorials forum. This will get you familiar with what Paint.NET can do, help you setup some plugins, and give you a feel for how long it takes to get things done.

Once you master the basic tools, you can try moving out on your own and tackle that project.

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