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i am assuming you want this to be a fairly simple line drawing or text water mark---

open a new canvas, bucket fill base layer any color but black(just so you can see better), add a layer, add your text/line drawing in black(work with fairly thick lines, you resize later), use the magic wand while pressing shift to select the area outside of you watermark(this uses the global select and selects all of the pixels that are not your water mark), add a new layer, use the bevel selection tool- set both sliders to white(path is effects/selection/bevel selection), delete the layer with your black watermark, this should leave a whitish watermark, adjust the opacity of the beveled layer in the layers window(just double click that layer) when you get it to the opacity you want, delete the base layer, resize your image(image tab> resize) then save as a PNG image--

when you want to add it to a picture, open both the picture and the water mark-on the watermark hit ctrl/a(select all) then ctrl/c (copy) then ctrl/d (deselect) then go to your picture, add a layer hit ctrl/v (paste) the watermark will be pasted usually in the upper right corner, use the move selected pixel tool to move/resize, merge layer down, and your done

plugin pack needed for bevel can be founds here -> http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/8318-boltbaits-plugin-pack-updated-july-15-2010/


SARCASM- Just one of the many services I offer free to the public.

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at that point you would have three layers- a base layer in whatever colour, a text layer with what you choose as a signiture in black, and a beveled layer that has a white bevel in the shape you your sig.. it would be the text layer you delete there.. i did miss a step in there-- to invert your selection, this would be before you created the bevel layer

EER's sugestion might be better for you , hes usualy much more on point than me :D




SARCASM- Just one of the many services I offer free to the public.

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Perhaps start with the simple technique I linked to.

Once you have learned that, you can expand to try more complex overlays - like the one mountnman gave, or other cool bevelling and shading effects.

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