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Converting a load of Images

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Hello everyone.

I am working on a project that requires me to convert a huge load of .png and .jpg files into .dds files (or alternatively .tif)

Certainly, this works perfectly fine if i do them one by one. After the 10th this turns out to be rather depressingly monotonous.

I was wondering if there is a way to do this to 100s of images in a quick automated process. Paint.net is capable of doing it infinitely, so I am hoping you smart people here know a good way to do that quickly. The default settings work fine, too. ( I know some coding, too, if that is necessary. )

Also I found some tools that were supposed to do this, sadly none worked the way I wanted.

I couldn't find anything on the search function, so if I missed a topic I apologize.

Also kudos to the developers. Paint.net is incredibly awesome.

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Paint.Net doesn't support batch processing. Your best bet is to have a look at IrfranView http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IrfanView.

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Thank you!

Sadly IrfanView does not support saving to the dds Format.

I don't suppose there would be a way to write a plugin for Paint.net that allows converting many files? Considering the source has the functionality, that should be possible, right? I'd like to write something useful =)

Edited by Emerich
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Thank you!

Sadly IrfanView does not support saving to the dds Format.

I don't suppose there would be a way to write a plugin for Paint.net that allows converting many files? Considering the source has the functionality, that should be possible, right? I'd like to write something useful =)

Well, if the images have the same size it should be  possible to create a file type plugin which saves each layer as a DDS file

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