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My only niggle with Paint.NET

Change default tool?  

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Wondering if this is the place to discuss, but I find the default tool, the pen to be an odd choice.

I naturarly expect it to be the select tool, and every time I open Paint.NET, and expect to drag an area to select, it draws a line.

Anyone else have this problem? Seems my natural expectation is for the select tool to be the default...

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I think that the no0b and the expert could be satisfied by being able to select the default tool. The program default could be set to the paintbrush, and then anyone who wanted to could change it as they "discover" the other tools.


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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Wow...this has been discussed so many times before...

I know that almost every time I open up PDN, I accidentally draw a little line with the brush, but if it were the select tool, I'd probably be accidentally selecting things and/or moving them around. My left hand is my Ctrl+Z hand...it's a 1/2 second operation to undo any accidental edits and maybe a 3/2 second operation to switch to a new tool.

Either way, I do think this should be a preference thing...I just don't know where the preference setting would fit into the PDN interface. Maybe now that we have the tool dropdown thing in the menubar area, we could have a checkbox/radiobutton next to the dropdown that says something like "Default Tool" or "Startup Tool"...

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I'm hoping to address this in a similar way to how I've done the color palettes feature (or maybe it won't be similar). I've got that Tool drop down in the toolbar that I plan on using for something interesting.

In the interim, as a workaround, just press S to jump to the rectangle selection tool.

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What about something like ... (and yes it's rough draft, it says "PdnBaseForm" at the top, just bear with me)


This solves a few things:

* People always ask me to change the default tool to the selection tool. This lets them set it to whatever they want.

* Even more often, people ask me why the paint bucket or magic wand won't work. The reason is they accidentally set the tolerance to 0 or 100%. In 2.xx the tolerance setting is 'sticky'. With this dialog the setting is not automatically sticky and you must set the default manually.

* Same for alpha blending and antialiasing settings: in 2.xx they are sticky but people constantly disable them by accident and I get e-mails and questions about why the drawing quality is so horrid.

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Nah the only real problem here should be if the settings get corrupt or invalid somehow. And I detect that when loading and just revert to all defaults.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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trickman: cool thing about this is nothing has to change for people who like it the way it is, we'll still have the custom toolbars eveytime the tool changes. this is just a way to set some defaults for those toolbars. from what it looks like, you could leave the defaults the way they are and nothing would change for you....


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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Wait a minute, Rick. Are you saying that you are thinking of adding an Options screen?

I'm sure if I spent a minute or two I could dig up a post of yours where you state that you would NEVER do that.

Now for a serious comment: I like the tollerance being sticky. But, I suppose I could live with the abililty to change the default to 31%.

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Well, in this case there is a real conflict between simplicity and preference.

I dont want the tool choice to simply be sticky between sessions. That would end up having PDN open w/ the Clone Stamp (for instance) if you closed it with the Clone Stamp tool active. So that would not solve "I want selection to be the default tool."

The toolbar items have reasonable defaults, but if you don't provide a way to preserve their changed settings then for many users it becomes annoying to start up Paint.NET and have to go and change 4-5 things to the values that are always used.

This also solves accidentally changing settings to undesirable values and essentially being locked out of functionality. I really am serious that I get e-mails all the time about the magic wand and paint bucket being "broken" because the user went to go click on a shape tool or the color swatch but accidentally nicked the Tolerance bar. Same thing for the antialiasing/alpha blending toggle buttons. (I've even seen this happen in person!)

This way, a user cannot 'break' the paint bucket forever. If they nick the tolerance to 0% on accident, it'll be back to 50% the next time they start Paint.NET. The only way to set this to always be 0% is to go into a dialog, set it to 0% and then press Save -- it's much harder to accidentally do that.

It's not really a "options dialog" per se, although this could just be me arguing semantics to uphold previous canon. It's not like I've got tabs and spinny buttons for configuring scratch disks and thumbnail update latency and stuff. Nobody really cares about that stuff, although for those who do they can just get the source code.

Other parts of the UI will continue to adhere to the "toaster philosophy" of remembering settings in an intuitive fashion. You know, kinda like how a toaster just remembers the positions of its knobs for controlling toast lightness/darkness ("toastiness) but doesn't provide microwave-esque functionality for configuring 85 other things -- it's very simple, but also completely and blatantly obvious what's going on and how to use it even for someone who's never used a toaster before. When's the last time you met someone who couldn't use a toaster ... and, now, when's the last time you were confused by a microwave that you weren't used to?

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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... and, now, when's the last time you were confused by a microwave that you weren't used to?

My last microwave was different than the other 10 year old one I had before (hand me downs are fun, eh?), I got very confused...

This would also bring up another nagging question: Would there be a possibility to program in a drop down for the line/curve tool to select how many nubs there would be? Like 3, 4, 5, and 6?


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