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bend and stretch to a curve

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I have been struggling with this. I need to take a rectangular image and stretch and bend it into a washer shape, that would be a paper cup wall.

I tried power stretch, tube oblique, point warp, and others, but the lettering will not rotate around the curve.


Needs to fit in this:43898_dcb6dd59201dc15602006c28a856910b

Here is the best I have been able to do, but the text needs to stay perpendicular to the bottom curve on the cup wall, and with tube oblique it does not, it remains in the vertical direction.

Is there a better way to do this???

I know I can curve text only with Circle Text, but I really need to take an image and curve it .



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It's best to blot out the text and get a good result

on curving the fish image by whatever means.

Do the text as a separate process.

There are only about 50 letters, so even if you put each letter

on its own transparent layer and positioned them by hand,

it shouldn't take long.

You'd get the very best appearance that way.

Any time you bend an image of text, distortion

will occur.

Do you have the font?

It looks like some variety of Caslon Antique.

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I'm not real clear on what you want to do, but if I'm understanding your request, have your tried Shape 3D? Yellowman has a couple of tuts in the Text section of the Tutorial forums that deals with rotating text using Shape 3D. BTW, cool fish picture, are they salmon or trout?


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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Thanks. The problem is, I will be receiving artwork that may be rectilinear. I will be manufacturing cups, and accepting custom prints, and submitting those to a printer. This one is just a quick example. So, they may have more text, in various fonts, when I receive the images.

Possum Roadkill:

I would like to bend the rectilinear image into the curved shape, like tube oblique does, but have the image not only be stretched in the y axis, but have it actually bent along the curve... so that the text is upright, perpindicular to the bottom of the cup, when it is formed into a cup.

Sorry if I am not explaining it well.

I will try that Shape 3D, I have not tried it yet, thanks.

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Thanks. The problem is, I will be receiving artwork that may be rectilinear. I will be manufacturing cups, and accepting custom prints, and submitting those to a printer. This one is just a quick example. So, they may have more text, in various fonts, when I receive the images.

Possum Roadkill:

I would like to bend the rectilinear image into the curved shape, like tube oblique does, but have the image not only be stretched in the y axis, but have it actually bent along the curve... so that the text is upright, perpindicular to the bottom of the cup, when it is formed into a cup.

Sorry if I am not explaining it well.

I will try that Shape 3D, I have not tried it yet, thanks.

Oh no, too many big words! :lol: Just kidding, I think I know what you mean. I've just not had much time to play around with it but I downloaded your image to play with. I think you might be able to get there/get close with Shape 3D with the right settings. Problem is, it's one of the most complex plugins in PdN. I think if you try the cylinder shape first you might get what you are after. Maybe you will be lucky and Yellowman will show up and give some advice. He is much smarter than I, and is a master with Shape 3D. (And he understands the big words too :lol: )


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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:D Thanks possum Roadkill for the compliment, but sorry I am not smarter than you :lol: .

And loopylupine yes you can do that in many different ways and Shape 3D works well but it is hard to know where to align the image in the canvas to get a good result.

So the fastest way is to use the Perspective plugin or Quad/Reshape before the TubeOblique to change the shape from rectangle to isosceles trapezoid (the short edge in the bottom) this will help to improve the 3D effect.

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:D Thanks possum Roadkill for the compliment, but sorry I am not smarter than you :lol: .

And loopylupine yes you can do that in many different ways and Shape 3D works well but it is hard to know where to align the image in the canvas to get a good result.

So the fastest way is to use the Perspective plugin or Quad/Reshape before the TubeOblique to change the shape from rectangle to isosceles trapezoid (the short edge in the bottom) this will help to improve the 3D effect.

See, lots and lots of big words. :lol: Thanks Yellowman, I was hoping you would be around to solve this riddle.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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This is with perspective, then tube oblique. A quick try, but the results look good.

Basically the combination creates a "conical section oblique" which is I guess what I am after.

Notice the lettering now is more perpendicular to the bottom curved line of the cup wall.

I appreciate the help on this forum.

BTW, they are salmon, but the artwork is not mine...


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  • 1 month later...

Well, I thought I had this licked, but now I am trying to do a full bleed print, and am having trouble. I begin with rectangular art. I first apply perspective to turn the rectangle into a trapezoid. Then I use tube oblique to get the curvature. But this issue is, that the shape I am trying to fit the image to is a conical section, not a cylindrical section, so the radius of the bottom arc of the section is different (smaller) than the radius of the upper arc. So, when I apply tube oblique to match the bottom curvature, the top of the image is curved too much, and does not follow the outline evenly at the top. For my practical purpose, this means that the print will be uneven on the printed cup. See image, the design at the top curves down from the top at each end.

If you have any ideas, please, I could use the help of an experienced shape shifter! Can shape 3D be set up to imitate a conical section?


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This isn't a universal fix for all cup designs you'll

be dealing with, but in this particular case, you could

cut the image in two, in the area between the top swirly

pattern and the lower images.

(While still in the original rectangular format.)

Vary the amount of curve applied to the top part,

relative to the curve applied to the bottom section.

Then fill in the gaps with the white background color.

Edited by Sarkut
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

Hi folks,

Please pardon a newbie at this... I would like to be able to take some arbitrary sets of text, stretch and lay it over a shape, play with the colors and font shading and such, to be able to do something like the attached...

What I'd really like to be able to do is to set this up once, and then be able to feed it different pages of text, and have it do something similar... without having to spend many sleepless nights repeating the same steps on each new text file.

Am I dreaming? Or is this reasonably straightforward in paint.net?


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