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Misc Contest VI Discussion

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Sorry Simon but I don`t like the way you set up the voting at all. Having to constantly swap between the forum and the voting site just to view the images is irritating . I would much prefer to have been able to compare the images side by side directly. Also after I had voted I was unable to see how the voting was going because I was told the voting was private. :(



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Having to constantly swap between the forum and the voting site just to view the images is irritating .

If you click the login screen image, you will see a larger version. The images are primarily shown as login screens because that's the theme of the competition. If people voted on what it looked like as, say, a desktop background then the theme might as well have been "create an image."

Still don`t like it though. Takes AGES to load the page (still loading as I write this!)

As for loading times, I just cleared my cache and the voting page loads reasonably fast for me, and my download speed is 3.50mps. :?

and I still can`t see how the voting is going because it is still set to private - not good. :roll:

I plan to post the results after it closes.

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I know you can click on the images to see the larger version. Following Welshy`s tip this is not a problem anyway. I should have thought of it myself so I apologize for that little moan. Forget what I said.

As for loading speeds , not everyone is fortunate enough to have a 3.5Mbs connection. Mine is 1.7 at best , most of the time less.

Fair enough, if you want the pole private that`s up to you. But it would still have been nice to see how the voting is progressing .



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