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ok so im new to paint.net and i just recently made my first sig but i cant put it in photobucket or tinypic to get the code to use i another forums.

Can anyone help me plz!? :?

And i wanna show you guys to see what you think of my first one :D

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Im sorry but this is my first time getting in to makin and using paint.net or any other, i checked the FAQS but couldnt find my answer. Is it possible to answer it personally? my problem is that after i edited the pic and stuff and put everything on it i cant upload it to photobucket, it doesnt appear in my pictures. im sorry but is all too confusing. :?

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Simon, try to give new people links.

I don't believe LeahciM understands what you are trying to say.

(Abit harder for me to link since I am posting from my mobile now)


Read the forum rules, and try to use search.

There is a tutorial about how to use images in your post, photobucket...etc.


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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