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Help filling in bits that magic wand won't do??? HELP!

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I am new to paint.net but loving it's features!

However, I keep coming across the following problem.

Basically, If I use the magic wand to fill in or auto adjust a sky etc I find it leaves bits out that really show up and I can't find a way to get them to match the picture, as you will see in the image below that I am working on.

As you can see with the trees on the left and in the centre of the picture the just stay white. I try and fill them in with magic wand and it either uses an area too big or miles to small! I hope someone can help!



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Have you tried tweaking the wand's tolerance? Its the % figure in the wand toolbar, and it adjusts how much/little of the surrounding pixels are selected when you click.

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Yeah, I see why you say it's hard. It's because of the shrubbery, right? I know that you said you tried the tutorial and it's not that easy, I know. But that's one of the better way to get a clean image. The best thing to do with the tutorial I mentioned above, is to zoom in really, really close and outline from there. Also, try using the magic wand tool with lower tolerance at the zoomed version. Zoom in about 400-500%. If you still get "jaggies" just erase them with the Eraser tool. It will take a while, but the result will be qualitative.

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mogwai, please keep your posted images to under 800 pixels wide, for the benefit of all Forum users. Use either a link, a clickable thumbnail, or the attachment facility to adhere to this.

I've converted your image to a link.

Many thanks mogwai.

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