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Error when updating via MSI / Group Policy (v4.3.7 -> v4.3.10)


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I'm getting this error in the Windows System log when trying to update Paint.NET via Group Policy using the MSI.


"Product: paint.net -- The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2753. The arguments are: msi_x64_scd_aot_paintdotnet_exe, , "


The existing install is 4.3.7 x64 and we're upgrading to 4.3.10 x64. The odd thing is that it's not consistent. Some systems upgrade without a problem. Others have uninstalled the previous version and then failed to install the new version leaving the system without Paint.NET installed. I've had to run MS's troubleshooter for installs/uninstalls to clean those up and get Paint.NET properly installed. 

If I run the installer directly after a failed install, I get this error dialog. 



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Actually, I take that back -- the regular installer EXE will create that file.


You'll want to run msiexec with the appropriate logging/logfile parameters.


There may also be a %TEMP%\pdnSetupActionsInstall.log file worth look at or or posting here. If it does exist, and it's recent, it means that the MSI did its job but the post-setup custom actions likely had an error.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Thanks for the suggestions. I did find the "pdnSetupActionsInstall.log" file and reviewed it. I didn't see anything that indicated why the install failed. I'll look at what I can get from the MSI log files. 

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