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Select tool isn't behaving as I'd expect

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I'm new to paint.net. Dabbled in it many years ago, but now trying to use it as a full replacement for my old paintshop/photoshop apps.


I have a weird behaviour, that I will try and explain - hopefully this is just a miss understanding on my part (or perhaps a configurable setting):
I pasted an image in to my blank canvas. Then I couldnt unselect it.

I pased another image on top, and moved it. Realised I didnt like it, so I hit "delete", this not only deleted the 2nd image, but also cut out from the image below.


 I then tried creating a 2nd layer, and adding my 2nd image to that.

Now I cant seem to click the image from layer 1.

So I deleted img2 (in 2nd layer), clicked layer 1.

When to move image, and now the dotted outline (left over from img2) has cut out of layer 1, img1, and I'm moving that.


Is this normal? Is there a setting so I can layer images easily, or click between objects in layers ?

Also how do I unselect something.


Hope I've explained this well enough.


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1 hour ago, zell2002 said:

Also how do I unselect something.


Ctrl + D, or click the :EditDeselect: icon in the toolbar.


1 hour ago, zell2002 said:

Now I cant seem to click the image from layer 1.


To change layers you have to click the layer in the layers window, see https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/LayersWindow.html.


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