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Suggestion: stick some of the main tools(eg c&p) on the floating toolbar.

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I would find it less tiring if some of the main features like:






were possible to stick all in one place...ie on the floating toolbar window.


all that travelling around the screen for hours, to do things is wearing.. :)


maybe people could have the option to click and drag any feature, they use a lot,onto the floating toolbar..?


Also; could the eraser have its own brush width value, separate from paint brush?

Edited by Jellyboots
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The features you mention are all available from your keyboard via shortcuts. Try them out - they are very easy to learn and much quicker than using icons.


Copy: Ctrl + C

Paste: Ctrl + V

Crop to Selection: Ctrl + Shift + X

Deselect: Ctrl + D or Enter 

Finish: Enter


More shortcuts here: https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/KeyboardMouseCommands.html

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On 2/18/2019 at 9:23 PM, Ego Eram Reputo said:


thanks..unfortunately I have a damaged arm; I can still use my arm, but I sometime literally have to pick it up with my other arm and place it on the table to use the keyboard. :)


So I only use shortcuts when I have to, like pasting in text...that's fine..


One thing I didn't see on the list, and I was going to suggest was: 'cancel operation'

Like I have used the line drawing tool, adjusted the width to what I want, but the line is in the wrong place. I then have to click 'back' to get rid of the line, but by doing that I lose the width settings I want...so a simple 'cancel operation' shortcut or tool button might help with this and other tools.

Edited by Jellyboots
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