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How would I go about opening MDI or Capturing a set zoom of an image.

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I'm looking to capture the paint.net image in OBS without me panning the image around affect it. Having a second window with a set view of the image could accomplish this but I've been unable to figure out how this feature is enabled if it even exists, I can't figure out any other methods of accomplishing this and google yields no results for me.

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Hello @InTheBeef and Welcome to paint.net :)


If I understand you correctly, you want to see 2 images side by side?  What I do is, when I'm in paint.net I minimize it and then have the other image open on my desk top.


image-side-by-side.png    ~clickable~


Hope this is of help to you :)


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5 hours ago, Pixey said:

Hello @InTheBeef and Welcome to paint.net :)


If I understand you correctly, you want to see 2 images side by side?  What I do is, when I'm in paint.net I minimize it and then have the other image open on my desk top.


image-side-by-side.png    ~clickable~


Hope this is of help to you :)

Sorry no, what I want is similar, but I need the second image/window to be updated live with my changes in the main window. (Instead of just when I save)

Edited by InTheBeef
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^ that can't be done within paint.net.

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