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Two pictures side by side?

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Hello everyone,


     Does anyone know of a way to have two separate pictures stand side by side on the same canvas?  We are working on one picture and want to use the second picture as a visual to aid us on what we need to do with the first picture.  Any help would be great. Thank you so much!


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I see no problem. Load first and second picture separately. Take a look at the dimensions of both, enlargee the canvas size of the first so it will be expanded to the right side. Copy the second image to the clipboard (CTRL + A -> CTRL + C), go back to first, expanded image and paste from clipboard (maybe in a separate layer), resize it, if necessary and save as new image.


I needed more time to describe it then to do it in PDN.

Edited by IRON67
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With PDN it is, as other have described here, very easy. I do this quite often myself to see if the changes I've made look OK and actually improve the picture.


Just expand the primary canvas to be able to accommodate both pictures side by side, copy in the second image then use the Move Selected Pixels tool to relocate it beside the primary image. 


As IRON67 suggested too I always put it in a separate layer above the primary one so any changes made are only applied to the primary image being worked on..


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Oh yeah. It very easy. Tonight I makinged picture that had same thing twice next to each other then I gaved it fun background and put writings on top. When everything good picture was great great great!


As long as canvas big enough you can havings whatever you is wantings. You can make canvas big or small and change it as you work on picture. It betters if you using layers. Work on one layer at a time. When they all is good then you make it flatten and they all become one.


It easy. You can do it all the time!

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