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Creating a watermark?

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New guy here.

I'm trying to create a watermark and when I chose an invisible background I can't see the text no matter what colour I use and when I save it to use it, it shows up as a black box. I was successful before the latest update but now I cant seem to get it to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you!

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Hi UXB - welcome to the forum :D

If you are using transparency you need to save you image in a format which supports it. Choose PNG not JPG and you should be fine.

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Have a read of this technique http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/19817-water-mark-programme/page__view__findpost__p__334009

If youre doing something differnt, can you walk me through the creation process? What steps are you using?

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Am I driving you crazy yet? :lol:


I had created a PNG file that I used to import to Paintshop Pro and used the batch process to watermark multiple photos.


I created the watermark by opening a new window in Paint.net and made a transparency with the text, I could see it on the background as I typed and when I used it in paint shop it worked fine. I tried to resize the first PNG but then thought I'd create a new one and for some reason it won't create the same way it did. I tred the link you sent and it worked great for a single photo but not for a batch.

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Then you need something like this?


This is what I did:


1. Selected the entire canvas and deleted the white background

2. Typed the text and added some shapes

3. Saved it as a png file using this settings :




Make sure you are saving it as a 32- bit image and not 24 or 8.

Edited by Eli
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