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Everything posted by Reptillian

  1. Now, I have successfully fixed all issues with my Grouped Pixel Axis-Based Shift which is extended version of @MadJik Gravity filter. Should here shortly. By the time you read this post, it's probably here. If it say 2019/5/14 , then it means it arrived. For proof! Original No change to above image. Axis=Horizontal, Influence is between 0-1, position is between 0-1 With the new changes I commited to g'mic-community, lines don't break anymore. ------- Filter update has arrived. Also, I made scintilate as well. This one works on YUV color space. iw={w} ih={h} is={s} mini_square=20 large_square={ceil((sqrt(w^2+h^2))/$mini_square)*$mini_square} 2,2,1,1,(x+y)%2 r. {$mini_square*100}%,{$mini_square*100}%,100%,100%,1 r. $large_square,$large_square,100%,100%,0,3 rotate. 62.5,1 r. $iw,$ih,100%,100%,0,0,.5,.5 r. 100%,100%,1,$is,0 *. 255 split_opacity.. rgb2yuv8... f... "abs(i#0-i#2)" yuv82rgb... a[^-1] c k.. Paste that into code[global] or code[local] and see what you get. You can also change color space, but use 8-bit color space. See G'MIC reference. You can edit mini_square and numbers next to rotate. On second part of rotate, 0 = nearest, 1 = linear, 2 = bicubic
  2. Ok, just uploaded the change of one sided backdrop instead of two to reduce distortion when using influence factor. Not perfect, but it works better than two sided backdrop. Now to wait since I don't have access to merge request. It will be for G'MIC 2.6.2. Also, did fixed a nebulous bug.
  3. It'll come shortly. Anytime that Krita and GIMP has the latest version as a option, Paint.NET will follow soon. And we're at that point. David_Tschumperle announces the latest version release from time to time in discuss.pixls.us forum. You can also visit the https://gmic.eu/ to find out the latest version, and if it doesn't match the PDN version, you can see it'll come shortly.
  4. Now, you can test my filters as G'MIC 2.6.2 has been released for Paint.NET. Image #1 Shift Position = -1, Axis=Vertical, Influence Factor=.5 Shift Position = 0, Axis=Vertical, Influence Factor=1 Influence Effect isn't perfect though as in some cases there will be pixels that are detached. Don't know what to do about that, but this is my best attempt for the scope of this filter.
  5. I checked the update via pdn gmic, looks like y'all going to have to wait for new version to retrieve spiral matrix filter, and g'mic nebulous. Another filter is coming again. I just replicated @MadJik Gravity filter for G'MIC. For now, I have this. #@cli rep_sptbwgp: (eq. to rep_shift_pixel_to_boundary_with_group_pixels) rep_sptbwgp: rep_shift_pixel_to_boundary_with_group_pixels $* #@cli rep_shift_pixel_to_boundary_with_group_pixels: _axis={ 0=Horizontal | 1=Vertical }, 0<=_position<=1, _threshold #@cli : Shifts pixels to boundary by percentage using grouped pixels. position less than .5 means shift will be negative, and position greater than .5 means shift will be positive. rep_shift_pixel_to_boundary_with_group_pixels: repeat $! l[$>] skip ${3=0} iw={w} ih={h} dir=$2 if s==1||s>5 v + error "Spectrum depth cannot be less than 2 or greater than 5!" fi f "s==2?(i1<$3?0:i):(s==3?(i2<$3?0:i):s==4?(i3<$3?0:i):s==5?(i4<$3?0:i))" if $dir<0||$dir>1 v + error "Exceed the boundaries!" fi if $1 s x repeat $! l[$>] r 1,{h+1},100%,100%,0,0,.5,1 autocrop_components ,,,, a y r 1,$ih,100%,100%,0,0,.5,$dir endl done a x else s y repeat $! l[$>] r {w+1},1,100%,100%,0,0,1,.5 autocrop_components ,,,, a x r $iw,1,100%,100%,0,0,$dir,.5 endl done a y fi endl done A new feature is planned though. I will be adding influence factor. Also, unlike the pdn gravity, you can put it to the center than into the boundary by setting position to .5. --- While making a command to make the map to be used as a base, I have to wonder, does this need to be it own filter? Result of the command I made
  6. Spiral Matrix Filter is here. By the way, if you are going to reverse the transformation, there's a limitation of 4096^2. Anything beyond that will have a error. That is IEEE Float restriction. I will someday get around that limitation, but for now, I have no interest into bothering to try. Reverse-Forward will work as well as Forward-Reverse. EDIT - G'MIC Nebulous has been pushed, and it's here. Look like I'll have to fix NCEE filter, well ok.
  7. Okay, I think I got it now. It behaves a little differently than its PDN equilavent, but that's ok. I added new features regardless. It's on testing phase as I haven't made the GUI yet, but can be tested via code[local] once it arrives. I may add angle for distortion as well though I believe that would be difficult. Here's the options #@cli rep_nebulous: _color={ 0=gray | 1=color },_rings>0,zoom_scale_x>0,zoom_scale_y>0,-100<=x_center[%]<=100,-100<=y_center[%]<=100,0<=_fxyangle<=360,_wave,0<=_lighting_angle<=360,_disturbance>=0,_distx,_disty,_subpixelevel,0<=_subpixelprocessingmethod<=4 The new feature as you can see are shifting, and angle. Also, wave has been adjusted to make it more intuitive. Like 0 wave makes rings instead of waves. Nebulous may come soon to G'MIC though that depends on whether the CLI order is fine. If not, I'll have to change the order for G'MIC CLI users. @MadJik : Thank you for making this possible! ----- EDIT: Figured out how to apply angle distortion. At this point, it's the best Nebulous filter could get. GUI version will have alpha option.
  8. Tested w/ mask, and it just slows down to a crawl or error message shows up.
  9. Meanwhile the spiral matrix transformation is on hold because of the dynamic array limitation of G'MIC (limit is 4096*4096), and I don't know how to convert it into a 1D formula to avoid that issue, I decided to take my time to solve the PDN Nebulous plugin and convert it into G"MIC format. Now, it becomes easier to maintain, and I am able to expand it since it is easier to make more complicated version of PDN plugin in G"MIC. Here's the result of my work so far. As you can see, this is a nebulous texture. Only 1 Channel, and this is the output. I could get the color by using nebulous effect on one g'mic layer, and then normalize it to 0-360 range and have 100 for second g'mic layer, and have 100 for third g'mic layer. Then append_channel, and then I type in hsv2rgb to get the rainbow version.
  10. Actually, I got bad news for the Spiral Matrix Transform filter. G'MIC dynamic array doesn't support anything bigger than 4096x4096. G'MIC Community Issue #174 - Very strange bug when it comes to vector or spiralbw - Reptorian So, that filter will have to wait for a while. I decided to put in a wait time list before coding in a filter restriction. I'll give it a month. Meanwhile, if you would like to use it, you'd have to copy and paste code into update.gmic if you would like to use it. It's useful for creating interesting looking borders or has application for glitch art.
  11. New Filter is coming soon! The new filter is named 'Spiral Matrix Transform'. Inspired by the pdn glitch plugin which utilize ulam spiral transform. It's not the same thing, but it's actually reversible. Also, you can destroy images in a glitch-art manner by applying a blur filter or smoothing filter after you applied spiral transform, and then reverse it.
  12. My version of fragment blur can be tested now that gmic 2.6.1 is here.
  13. The reason it doesn't show up is because 2.5.7 is no longer being updated. 2.6 is the current G'MIC version. All I could do for other PDN users to use my filter in those stage is copy and paste the code. People can still go to reptorian.gmic at gmic-community, and copy and paste current code into updatexxxx.gmic at %appdata%/gmic.
  14. I'm not sure it'll happen, for that you would have to ask @Rick Brewster , and I get the impression that it won't. I do have a solution if you want to use Paint.NET and not a established solution that's accessible to most people like G'MIC or ImageMagick - AutoIt v3. If you don't like AutoIt v3, you are stuck with a pdn plugin which only batch process effect on one layer which is Effect Labs by pyrochild or G'MIC or ImageMagick which can support imports and outputs along with multiple layer internally.
  15. I have never heard of this thing. But, there exists G'MIC, which can do all of that. As a PDN plugin or CLI tool. You could use GIMP or Krita and use the G'MIC filter. ImageMagick would work too.
  16. Another update - I may be able to complete the pdn glitch art serie transfer to G'MIC. The missing one is spiral transform. I discovered @G'MIC made spiralbw (I think he did). to_a +spiralbw l. +to_rgb a c endl f[0] "i(i#1%w,floor(i#1/w))" k.. The above gives spiral transform,that means I am able to do what the original pdn glitch author wanted to do, but can't.
  17. @null54 G'MIC 2.6? Testing>Reptorian>Fragment Blur shows up there.
  18. Now, my version of fragment blur is coming to G'MIC soon. My next project is this - rv to_rgb[^0] f[0] "i(i#2/255*w#1,i#1/255*h#1)" This basically treats the bottom layer as a blending mode. The value gives the coordinate. You do need 3 images for this to work though a workaround is to import file(s). ----- The result of the code. The Left determines the Y, and the Middle determines the X, and the result treating image as a blending mode is on the right.
  19. I found a solution to this problem though it only works with G'MIC-QT plugin. Copy and paste this to code[local] or code[global] under Various section of G'MIC QT. iw={w} ih={h} IR=249 IG=211 IB=150 to_rgb $iw,$ih,1,3,[$IR,$IG,$IB] +eq k. n. 0,255 f "i==[255,255,255]?[255,255,255]:[0,0,0]" k. if {ia!=0} v + error "Color exists, pick another color!" fi $iw,$ih,1,3,[$IR,$IG,$IB] k. Then, click update to verify color does not exist. Change IR,IG,IB value to the color you want. By the way, this can be automated, but I'll figure that out.
  20. Isn't it possible to edit text color in PDN by using color curves or other tool? Is there's a coloring tool that's missing? I could code one where all you need to do is move a slider, and you set the color if there's no such thing in PDN or G'MIC. Though, I believe for PDN, it's much more accessible as a separate plugin. G'MIC example code for changing hue of a layer using RGB 0-255 colors iw={w} ih={h} $iw,$ih,1,4,[RED,GREEN,BLUE,255] . blend[^2] hue,{0-1 input#1} blend luminance,{0-1 input#} Simply replace RED,GREEN,BLUE with any range between 0-255, and replace {} (including bracket) with your desired factor between 0-1 I'd imagine this is easy to make as a plugin for PDN, and this code is easily understandable. Another approach iw={w} ih={h} split_opacity $iw,$ih,1,3,[RED,GREEN,BLUE] blend[0,2] alpha,{input between 0-1} a c This approach separates alpha and append them, but you can assign your own color on RED,GREEN,BLUE.
  21. To my knowledge, Affinity doesn't support it. Krita also do support layered TIFF. I guess one improvement for PDN would be to support Layered TIFF. For multi-layer formats and program interchange, 2 options : PSD ORA ORA could be the next viable format after some time Krita 4.2 comes out because ORA is impacted by GIMP and Krita development, and Krita 4.2 supports all the modes PDN does. But, that's assuming ORA format specification will follow suit, and GIMP implements those missing modes. I don't remember, but I don't think GIMP supports XOR, Reflect, or Glow yet.
  22. I have just made the fragment blur. Here's the output example. - Inputs - Color Space - LCH Superimpose w/ Original - Checkmark Yes Duplicates Count = 6 Distance (%) = 73.5% Angle = 151.2 Boundary Condition - Mirror Interpolation - Checkmark Yes
  23. Now working on only adding a filter based off fragment blur since I already made the code for use in the PS Emboss inspired filter. Here's the options I'll put in. Color Space Duplicate Count - int (2-100) At 100, it'll be barely noticeable that there's obvious fragment. Distance - float (0 - 200) Angle - float (0-360) Boundary Condition - choice(None, Neumann, Periodic, Mirror) Superimpose w/ Original? bool(0 = Remove original image and do not super impose with original | 1 = Superimpose with Original ) Blending Mode *Note: Blending mode option will be hidden or disabled with superimpose at 0. Color Space would barely change much on normal mode at 50%, but I'd be curious to see how much subtle difference there would be.
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