Would it be possible to allow for command line usage of paint.net? It would let people automatize some kind of works through .bat scripts.
An idea would be taking actions in order as arguments.
The program called with files would still open it with said files, using command line tools would become more like a script, with actions as they appear in the menus.
paint.net -cl < means paint.net will receive actions through command line with no need to open any window.
open([file]) < list of files (or special characters) to be opened and apply all next actions to all opened files. It is required to have any file to perform actions on.
open(*.jpg) < opens all jpg in current directory
adjustments/black_and_white() < turns all images in black/white
image/canvas_size(50%, top_left) < changes canvas size percentage
image/canvas_size(50px, 60px, 30px/cm, top_right) < change canvas size by pixels with given resolution. If resolution is unspecified it will not be changed.
image/canvas_size(30px/in, 10in, 5in, left) < change canvas size by in or cm with given resolution. If resolution is unspecified it will not be changed.
help() < show help for specified command
help(image) < shows list of options under image dropdown
help(image/canvas_size) < shows the 3 possible sets of arguments i wrote before
save_as([file]) < saves the file.
If save_as is not specified, all opened files will be overwritten with the modifications applied.
converting all jpg to png in a folder
paint.net -cl open(*.jpg) save_as(*.png)
turning all jpg files to brighter ones with 30*30px size
paint.net -cl open(*.jpg) adjustments/brightness_contrast(65, 0) image/resize(best_quality, 30px, 30px)
The syntax is just from my personal taste, anything else would do as long as it works and is readable
Another option would be embedding a lua interpreter (although i HATE lua but nevermind) and make all the functions that are called through gui buttons available in script. It would take next to no time to add this to the gui mode (just script > call script, chose a .lua file, run it), and i think it wouldn't take long to add it as a command line argument either
paint.net -script "myscript.lua"