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Everything posted by TheHowler

  1. Nice to see you finally posting a gallery I love the Paint.NET one and the 2nd torus one, especially the colours on the Paint.NET one
  2. Nooooooooooo Enter with this EDIT: Stock/Render
  3. Like this? And I think stuff like this goes in discussions, we'll let a higher power decide that though
  4. I really like it, but won't the text be pretty much unreadable when it's resized? I suppose we won't know until we see it
  5. Ooohhhh, that's the logo for Urban Freeflow, not a font. This explains it.
  6. Thanks Welch, and if you mean on my sig, it's cause it's the font from the show that the sig is based on.
  7. I know nothing about American football, but it's pretty cool. I like the wispy white and yellow bits.
  8. And no, not a wtermark, just very low opacity
  9. decided to ditch number two for now, and concentrate on the first one. Is this what you meant delpart?
  10. Helen + Barbieq: Thanks, glad you liked them Delpart: Thanks for the advice, I'll get working on that later.
  11. Got two works in progress... I know they're not that good, but I want to pick one to concentrate on for a bit. So... which is your favourite, and how could I improve on them? The Art of Movement 1: The Art of Movement 2:
  12. Love the shattering glass effect, nice work!
  13. There was a point where there was at least 1 a day, but it dies like this sometimes. Bit annoying, but what can you do
  14. Nice, look forward to seeing more
  15. It's not an epic fail, don't be so hard on yourself Challenge Nitenurse with Wolfmann!!!
  16. Finally made a new sig! Constructive criticism please
  17. AGJM: 1 NMD: 0 I like both sigs, but I love the simplicity of AGJM's. I think the circles look cool.
  18. Sfifer: 2 Simplify: 0 Sorry Simplify, but I have the same feelings as Welsh towards Sfifer's sig, yours is nice too don't worry
  19. This is cool! Not sure about the highlight extending to the shadow though
  20. I like it Personally I would have used the blue for the rest of the writinng, but thats just cause I like the colour
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