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Red ochre

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Posts posted by Red ochre

  1. TR, Drew, Sasha, Pixey, Seerose, Mottoman - really good examples of ways to use the plugin - many thanks for posting the images. Love the face in there too Pixey!



    Curses Red she's figured out our plan!!!!



    If you have all of mine and TR's plugins installed you get a free automatic upgrade to Windows 9 ! :D

    (Just kidding - unfortunately).


    & Pixey - every so often I go through my effects folder and move rarely used plugins to a folder not inside Pdn. - I can always reinstal them if I miss them. I'm always amazed how smoothly Pdn runs with the number I have installed. :)

    • Upvote 1
  2. ^^ What Pyro said :)


    The 'megalo' pack is a collection of stolen plugins and contains malware. The plugins are also mostly out of date. It is only safe to download plugins from this site or sites linked to by the plugin's author. If you had it before that's probably why you needed your computer repaired - there is no safe 'megalo' pack!

    - Safe, original and up-to-date versions of the plugins can all be found on this site, via the plug-in index.
    Sorry if that sounds grumpy - we're only trying to save you headaches!

    • Upvote 1
  3. Hello 'circular thinking' or is circlular? :)

    Squirkle doesn't use the 'G.D.I' - which meant I had to do the edge smoothing (anti-aliasing) myself - which is why it isn't perfect!

    I have just published a plugin called 'Slinky' which easily draws concentric (and more interestingly eccentric) ellipses and circles. This does use the 'G.D.I' - so, smoothing was just one line of code - much easier!
    I hope it is relevant for your purpose - the link is here:http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/28267-slinky-eccentric-ellipses-new-21st-april-2014/

  4. 4. World governments plan to introduce a small tax on all instances of the number four. TR has thoughtfully allowed us to continue enjoying his plugins for free. ;)

    Very useful codelab source code too - Thank you!


    Good spot Drew and cool examples Drew, Seerose and Mottoman.

    • Upvote 2
  5. Thanks for the feedback - I will try typing the (guessed) icon name in.
    (I currently scroll up and down trying to spot the one I want!)

    Could the icons themseleves be re-named to get them in order (eg.A1 thru Z9 prefix) or does the forum software not order them at all? - I guess that would ruin the current way of doing things too.

    Just grouping all the Pdn ones together would certainly make life easier. (Thanks in advance Pyro). Oooh! you've done it already - brilliant :) ;) :D B) :beer:

  6. I'm probably missing something obvious here, but for me the forum icons don't appear to be in any order at all.
    Would it be possible to make three groups: pdn icons :LayerProperties: :AddNewLayer: :AntiAliasingDisabled:, emoticons B):mrred:  and 'other' :bell::yin-yang::umbrella:, then arrange them alphabetically?

    I waste so much time looking for the correct icon - and getting it wrong!

    How do others use icons efficiently? ... is there a 'sort' button somewhere I have missed?

    Apologies if this creates extra work for a mod :rainbow::MagicWandTool:- but it would save much time and frustration. :devlish::Warning: :Tools: :weather-lightning::rain:

    • Upvote 3
  7. Good work cweber54!, :star:

    For someone new to Pdn this is a very good effort - well done.

    Two small suggestions you are welcome to ignore - tutorials are only a starting point and you can interepret them any way that looks right to you.

    1. On the sea layer it looks like you have applied Furblur with the direction setting in one direction only - I used the 'both directions' setting - nothing wrong with that, just different.

    2. Generally clouds that are far away (nearer the horizon) are smaller. That is why I used rotate and zoom on the sky too. However the way you have done it looks like all the cloud is very close - which is quite possible at sea!

    The colours and the gradients are all spot on! ;)

  8. Hello cweber54 - glad you are enjoying my plugins! ;)

    AH! - I have used the wrong icon - my bad - will correct it now! ( should be the rectangle select tool :RectangleSelectTool:not the rectangle tool :RectangleTool:)

    O.K. - step 20: Click on the rectangle select tool :RectangleSelectTool:  in the tool bar.
    Click and drag on the canvas to select most the 'sea' texture - the idea here is to avoid any transparent bits at the top or bottom (the chequer-board pattern) and also any bits where the 'tiling' is obvious. You should then see the selected area highlighted a pale blue color, with slowly flashing square 'nubs' or 'handles' along each side. Move your cursor over the top middle handle and click and drag it down - this should squeeze the texture down (not move the whole selection). You should probably also drag the handles at the edges of the selection out to the edges of the canvas too.

    Hope that helps - if not, try to explain what you don't understand and I'll try to re-phrase it.

    Best of luck.

  9. Hey that's a pretty good result Doomsayer! - thanks for posting. :star:

    Perhaps try making the ship colours(or tones) a bit closer to the background colours - In general, the more distant things are... the more atmosphere the light has to travel through - that means distant things will take on the prevailing colour of the atmosphere - in this case grey, but it can be quite a bright colour (in a golden sunset for instance). Also contrast will tend to be less in more distant objects.

    I think chopping the bottom of the boat off in a straight horizontal line may help it 'sit' more naturally on the sea. Your sea looks hauntingly calm (I like it!) - so a straightish line should look right at that distance.

  10. Hello Annotator,

    I'm not sure what you mean about the source.jpg and target .jpg - as both images are distortions already?

    The first one looks like a 'fisheye' distortion - you could try Effects/distortions/ 'bulge' - I think it's a built-in effect.
    The second appears to be a sinusoidal distortion  - you could try seperate bulges?

    Or you could try my 'squirklewarp' plugin (link in sig), for more strange distortions!

    'LuminanceHDR' looks interesting - must investigate - thanks for the tip!

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