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Posts posted by csm725

  1. You just triple posted man! But whatever.

    I like this one a lot:


    It's nice. Maybe add an umbrella (beach umbrella) and a towel? I see you're adding palm trees - nice touch.

    IDK if realistics is your expertise, but if you can, try to make a beach umbrella + towel. That's my challenge.

  2. @Oma - Thanks so much, I appreciate the feedback!

    @Goonfella - Thanks! Yeah, as I said somewhere else (I think it was my gallery), the burger was a distraction from the Table Series, so I just threw it together, it is after all a WIP. I will incorporate all of the feedback I have recieved into v3.0 of it.

  3. Woah, how'd I miss out on like 4 comments???

    Oh well, here goes nothing.

    @Monkey Face ( :lol: I LOVE THAT NAME! ): Okay, but why would that help? Just wondering.

    @Possum Roadkill ( Another awesome name ): Heheh, thanks.

    @BarbieQ : Thanks, but again, why would that help?

    @Soka : Thanks! On my way home from school I saw a McDonald's poster with a nearly perfect-looking burger. There you go, that's my inspiration. :D :D

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