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Posts posted by csm725

  1. @McSteeze

    Still, you didnt use a transparent gradient on the moon thing. I mean like this (click for full-size):


    Stars: 28/35 (+13)

    Clouds/nebulae: 22/25 - Nebulae are a little packed and un-natural. (+5)

    Planets: 30/40 - Nice. Good improvement. (+8)

    Others: -4 - The black horizontal border is not so good.

    76/100. (+22)

    My newest piece:



  2. Nice, but why didn't you use a trans. gradient to fade out the left-most planet? That takes away from the piece.

    Now, for my spacescape rating system (As seen here):

    Stars: N/A (15/35) - Every spacescape needs stars.

    Clouds/nebulae: 17/25 - Nebulae are a little packed and un-natural.

    Planets: 22/40 - minus 13 points on 1st planet's texture and glow, minus 5 on the lack of trans. gradient on the left planet.


    Nobody learns from just saying, "Nice job."

  3. When zoomed in to more than 100%, the lasso select tool 'glitches up' - so to speak - and deselects every 50-100 pixels. I am running Windows 7 and PdN v3.5.4. I had no problems on XP, do you think it has to do with the mouse? I've also tried having someone else press the mouse with all their strength and moving the cursor, but it still happened. Any solution?

    EDIT - Just found out that this happens with every tool when zoomed in more than 100%.

  4. Nice, text is a little pixelated. Your best sig yet IMO and I see you've improved in terms of colors. I'd like to see you try to make an abstract or realistic piece. And also, work at 2-4 times your final size, i.e. for 500x150, work at 2000x600 and resize. Also keep a full-sized version just incase. With my new laptop's Core 2 Duo, I can handle that. But my old Centrino had crashed countless times thanks to this habit.

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