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Posts posted by csm725

  1. Very nice works, especially lava lamp.

    One thing though:

    I suggest you rename this thread to someting like 'Riddleboy's Gallery', etc.

    One common practice is to add the latest day of update and the name of the piece, i.e.

    'CSM725's Gallery ~ 2/19/10 ~ BUGATTI PHOTO-MANIP, NEW HEADER'

    There are many other formats, too. If you're one of those people who likes to only post their newest works on seperate pages or posts, here's a format:

    'Riddbleboy's Gallery ~ NEW: Page 2 - Colorful Spacescape'

    PS - I believe the limit for characters in a thread title is somewhere between 60 and 65, so keep that in mind.


  2. Good starfield. 27/35

    Very realistic clouds. 29/35

    I like the white dwarfs (correct me if they aren't white dwarfs). 9/10

    Planet, however, not so much. IMO it's a little too extreme on the lighting. But kudos on the texture, it's nice. 11/20

    Total: 76/100


    (PS cool rating system huh??)



    ^Clickable thumb

    What do you think of my new piece? I call it Table Series Piece 1/4 - Breakfast.

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