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Posts posted by csm725

  1. Pdnnoob

    Text 5/15

    Blending 7/15

    Compostion 8/15

    Quality 13/15

    Execution 8/15

    Concept 7/7

    Overall 15/18

    Ttl 63/100

    Comments - The text kills it (-10 on Text, -7 on Blending, -5 on Composition, -6 on Execution). Really bad. That's 28 points gone :D. Otherwise a solid space sig.


    Text 11/15

    Blending 10/15

    Compostion 8/15

    Quality 10/15

    Execution 10/15

    Concept 4/7

    Overall 14/18

    Ttl 67/50

    Comments - Too dark for me. Way too dark. However, brilliant text.


  2. #winner MMS


    Text 7/10

    Blending 6/10

    Compostion 6/10

    Quality 6/10

    Execution 8/10

    Ttl 32/50

    Comments - Some jagginess issues with the render. Good quality sig.


    Text 4/10

    Blending 2/10

    Compostion 3/10

    Quality 3/10

    Execution 4/10

    Ttl 16/50

    Comments - Too noisy. The duped-and-flipped render is a no-no. The render is waaay too distorted. The weird things in the middle of the sig have no relation. Did I mention too noisy? The text is a good concept but too big and a shame that it was ruined by the noise background. Good concept.

    STONE 1-0

  3. Mayor: 1

    Psycho: 0

    Psycho's the text doesnt fit and is monochromatic/low contrast which makes it look bland. Mayor's has just enough contrast, and overall looks clean

    2-0 MMS


    Text 1/10

    Blending 4/10

    Compostion 2/10

    Quality 3/10

    Execution 4/10

    Ttl 14/50

    Comments - Bad quality renders, horrendous text.


    Text 5/10 (Were you the one that couldn't d-load new fonts b/c of admin rights?)

    Blending 5/10

    Compostion 7/10

    Quality 9/10

    Execution 7/10

    Ttl 33/50

    Comments - Not my style... good landscape sig (still like mine better :D ).

  4. Welcome to Avatar of the Week 4: Aircrafts, as chosen by n d and pdnnoob. First of all I would like to thank pdnnoob for understanding the situation and allowing n d to collaborate with him on this week's theme choice. Thank you!


    If you noticed lack of flashy graphics, it's because I have no time to do these things anymore, what with school starting. Please PM me the entries. The title of your PM should be 'AVOTW Entry'. If you accidentally post in this topic, please edit out your entry as soon as you remember and PM it to me. If I catch your post before you do, I'll add your entry to the list and notify you about it. The deadline for this week's competition is: deadlineq.png

    Voting will end September 20. I will accept any late entries until the voting ends but keep in mind this means less people will see your entry. NEW RULE ADDED BELOW!

    Be sure to check the rules below, because if your entry breaks one of these rules, you have up until two days before the deadline to fix it. If it isn't fixed by that time, it is disqualified...

    • Entries cannot be more than 150 pixels wide and 200 pixels high. The avatar changing page on the PdN forums will deny any avatars larger than 120x160.
    • No crude / offensive pics, crude language, etc.
    • The avatar must follow this week's theme.
    • Only one entry per person. Minor modifications are allowed after submitting your entry.
    • You must post the URLs to any and all stocks used.
    • If you create a part of the image in another program, no link is necessary, but you must mention it.
    • No using images you already made - although incorporating them is OK.
    • The winner of the competition can choose next week's theme or decide that the host (again, that's me!) chooses it.
    • No placeholders (empty-posting with your image now and editing in your image later)!
    • 9.16.10 Please anonymously upload your image to any web-site (Imageshack, Mediafire, Photobucket, Tinypic, Twitpic, to name a few). Make sure your username or identifiable account name is not in the url.
      Some examples of OK urls: http:// img666 .imageshack . us / 66 /66 /entry . png or http:// mediafire . com / 3hjsadfksfh3sfi33 . png (made that one up)
      Some examples of No-no urls: http:// i0234. photobucket . com / csm725 / entries / entry . png or http:// mediafire . com / pyrochild /entries / i_love_mediafire.png

    Whether or not any entry breaks one of the above rules is up to the host (me!)'s discretion.

    If you want to discuss this week's competition, go


    I would be happy to help anyone who has any questions about this week's theme. Just PM me (csm725).

  5. I hate when people forget that there is a Shift or Caps Lock button on their keyboards. Or sometimes they remember it too well.

    Example 1

    Hello. I Need Some Help With An Image I Am Working On.

    Example 2

    hello.i need some help with an image im working on


  6. Winner announced!!!!

    Pdnnoob with 8 votes

    N d with 7 votes

    Babrieq25 with 3 votes

    csm725 with 1 vote

    But, since I forgot about n d's entry, I request that n d and pdnnoob come up with an entry together. Thanks and congrats!

  7. And by a close margin, pdnnoob is the victor for this round. However, as 10 votes were submitted before I attached n d's image (2nd place) I request that pdnnoob and nd come up with a theme together. Pdnnoob, you can still crown yourself the winner with 8 votes. N d with 7 votes. Bbq25 with 3 and me (csm725) with 1 vote...


  8. Mayor_McSteeze: 1 >>> don't really like it in brief. the colours are nice but the images arn't

    Chrisco: 1 >>> not a bad looking sig, the text is placed reasonably well and the lighting and effects are neat

    Despite the horrendous grammar, I must agree with Axle. MMS's sig is just too dark. Chrisco's is, well, above average.

    Make it 2-1 chrisco

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