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Everything posted by nemo

  1. i agree, i like your realistic pieces. The nose and pot are my fave at the moment i think
  2. , prety good reminds me of a faint snow cone hehe, have you got the sphere plugin by the way? you may find it usfull in some of your work
  3. heck you never know :shock:. if i do get really good i think i would apply for a new job, i must say pdn has really helped my creations come to life. I personally jsut couldnt get on the photoshop even though its reletively the same
  4. Your the glossy queen . That glossy faucet is awesome
  5. omgosh 100 posts already! for you for making the 100th post have a
  6. isnt that someone from the incredibles? dang i remember that.
  7. ahh my dread hahah, ok i was honestly thinking of having a go at a person but rather than posting up just a "good peice" ill post up my (failed) progress attempts too. I REALLY want to be able to do people..i can sketch them fine but when it comes down to the characteristics..so i accept!
  8. ok i am intrigued & do you mean grass? the only glassy stuff i have are my glossy's and 'rainbow heaven' :shock:
  9. i like it but i think maybe fade the 68 a bit 'cause it takes the focus a tiny bit
  10. kinda looks like a wooden carving of a mandrill (is that how you spell it? - male duck)
  11. You should be! my only 2 realistics up on these forums so far are my grass and rose and yup they are 100% PDN, a couple of people have had the pdn but ive lsot it now 'cause my dad decided to 'clean up' the pc :?. Since then ive been doing all my work on my laptop so i should have a pdn for everything . All i do is sketch on paper where i want things then use the pen/line tools to draw my sketch (i dont have one of those palet things), then colour colour colour
  12. That ceramic pot is brilliant :shock:. 100% PDN? and i really like the floral pattern on it
  13. project catgirl , i liked it and saw everyone commenting on the vid so thought i would have a peek, really good work
  14. i think i may have a look at some renders, i kind of want to have a bash at a few see if i get get any better :oops:
  15. :shock: thnx , ive always been kinda good with still lifes but i think along with my realistics i want to learn the other stuff. Hopefully i can get as good at them too then ill feel confident enough to create whatever i want *ohh the possibilities*
  16. @HELEN: Thankyou , still lots i need to learn though! those leaves i used certain effects for prety mcuh the first time :shock: @Oma: Thanks and im glad you like the waterlily, now i have the hang of leaves (kind of ) i may add some to it @yy10: I think the day that happens ill die of shock
  17. @ Possum: Thankyou ! That darn leaf took forever, it felt nearly as long as the rose haha. I jsut did it dark too save me doing too much detail but i think/hope it turned out well @ Crimson: Crikey thats a nice picture :shock:. Think i may actually have a go at that..
  18. *gasp* i just watched the video and its really good
  19. I think if you look from a distance it kinda looks like a eye, you could make a abstract face growing from that :shock:.
  20. Thankyou . i have a smaller, less blurry version that i personally prefer (the same size as the rose without leaves) but a few people wanted it larger because they couldnt see it properly so its probably more user friendly i guess lol
  21. i finally managed to get my head around creating leaves and decided to add them to my rose, just for Welsh :wink:. Hope you all like! [gradual updates of the rose and other pieces are in my gallery]
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