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Everything posted by Frontcannon

  1. I love your sigs, punishr! L3ron's isn't bad either, but punishr's looks more creative. L3ron - 2 punishr - 1
  2. Those do not look 'vector-ish' at all. They are not bad, but they do not have anything in common with vector graphics.
  3. Yes, they do now thatI've checked. Maybe he should update the first post. ------ Ported to WHAT, Rick? Also, your post strangely matches that picture of you.. :beer: cheers!
  4. Nice idea, though it could be difficult. I think I should figure out how to isolate the text effect from the black background. If I remove it, the Multiply blending mode goes to hell.. If only there were something like a ctrl-shift-f for certain layers.
  5. Nice to see this tutorial getting some attention The Text Effects section needs it. Looks rad, Razah! @ csm725: That's MAGIX Music Maker. I try to create some beats from time to time, but it's very limited Gonna move to Rythm soon, I think.
  6. Well, I said 'could'. It gives some interesting effects but it's not really looking the way you need, now that I've tried. Sorry.
  7. Ed Hardy's Seismograph PlugIn with max. Deflection settings could work.
  8. That looks like you have a really messy effects folder.. 'If you can't find them anymore, my suggestion would be to completely empty it. Then download the effects again, it's all tidied up again and you have new and updated effects.
  9. Nice outcome, it has good contrast.. Is that also the Good Times font? I'm curious how it would work (especially the Motion Blur part) on thinner fonts.
  10. This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download it Hello and good day, fellow readers! This is a tutorial on how to create a night vision-y text effect that looks similar to the MW2 or the Matrix title. This is what it will actually look like: PlugIns: True Blur HalfTone Seismograph (all are part of Ed Harvey's pack, get it here) So, let's start! It may look long, but it's not too hard, believe me Step #1: Fill the background with solid black. Step #2: Make a new layer . Choose a font with the text tool and write the desired text in a dark green colour (the one I chose is called Good Times). I should be a bold font, font size about 70. Step #3: Duplicate your text layer . Go to Adjustments -> Brightness / Contrast and set both values to 100. The text should now be white. Toggle the Layer Visibility off. Step #4: Go back to your green text layer. Apply Effects -> Photo -> Glow with Radius 20, Brightness 90 and Contrast 60. Step #5: Apply Effects -> Blurs -> True Blur with a Radius of 21. Step #6: Reapply Glow , this time with Contrast set to -100. A higher contrast will make it lose its green colour. Step #7: Duplicate the layer and apply Effects -> Stylize -> Seismograph with Line Spacing 4, Line Width ~ 2.35, Segment Size 6 and Deflection 3. Step #8: Toggle the visibility of the white text layer back on. Set the Blending Mode of the Seismograph layer to Multiply. Step #9: Apply Effects -> Distort -> Crystalize on the white text layer, Cell Size 2, Quality 5 (always highest quality!). This gives the text a grainy look. Step #10: Use Effects -> Blurs -> Motion Blur on it. 0 angle, centered and Distance 5. (I used the GPU version, it gives a better result) Step #11: Apply Effects -> Noise -> Add Noise with Intensity 40, Color Saturation 0 and Coverage 100. Step #12: Set Layer Blending Mode to Reflect. Duplicate it and set the Blending Mode to Color Dodge. Step #13: Select the Seismograph layer and use Add Noise with the same settings as in step #11, but increase the Intensity to 45. Step #14: Duplicate the Glow layer (the one under Seismograph) and use Effects -> Distort -> Frosted Glass with Maximum Scatter Radius set to 200, Minimum Scatter Radius set to 3 and Smoothness set to 8. Step #15: Use Effects -> Stylize -> Halftone with the Line Shape, Size 5, angle 0, Contrast -100, Brightness -25 and Quality, of course, 5. Now merge the layers. First, merge down the layers Glow copy, Glow and Background, then Seismograph and Background. Finally, merge down the WhiteText copy, WhiteText, and Background layers. Voilà, you're done! I hope you like the outcome, criticism, be it positive or negative, is always welcome! ADJUSTMENTS You'll find out that the text isn't exactly usable if you want to work it in another image However, there is a surprisingly easy solution to this! You will need this PlugIns: Grim Color Reaper Color Tint (already included in the pack of the great Ed Harvey) First, open your flattened .png of the text: Now apply the Grim Color Reaper to the image, be sure that your primary colour is the same as the background colour of your image (in my case black) Background gone! You can now create a new layer under the text and fill it with whatever colour or image you want. Use Ed Harvey's Color Tint on the text layer to adjust its colour if you don't want it green. Will update this section with other ideas if someone has them
  11. Nice one, that looks pretty cool. Do you have a link to the stock?
  12. How could the pdn magazine not give it full score?
  13. Thank you, ptuZ. Photos don't seem to get too much reception here, too bad I recently realised I always forget to put my competition entries here, so here they are, gathered in on place: Pixel Competition Entry - Afghan Girl SotW Fantasy entry - Untitled SotW Time entry - Untitled (the large version)
  14. I really like the last "vector", the one with the green shirt. Very nice!
  15. How did these posts get in the Discussion thread?? Sneaky sneaky mods...
  16. Punishr, kill the aa on the skull. That would give it an awesome pixel-y look! And, by the way, get my vote csm725: 2 punishr: 1
  17. Ed Harvey's Cross Processing does wonders if you need interesting colours! It's part of his -new- PlugIn Pack.
  18. - Not entering - Of course it's 100 % pdn Background is two cleverly blended Dents layers, foreground is a strongly distorted clock face I made with Drop Ripple, I think.. but more won't be revealed unless someone needs a tutorial
  19. I don't like the render. The dark contrast makes him look like a Zombie...
  20. So it's time for a new battle? Fine. Go, SOTW entry sig!
  21. You can't create .gifs with pdn, can you?
  22. Nice theme! 800*200 Original
  23. Well, not with.. oh wait. At first you'd need an image large enough it still maintains it's clarity when printed over multiple pages. You'd have to splice it up so that it exactly matches with the other parts each in their own document and print them and glue them together.. But printing in bigger sizes is a job I'd go to a copy shop / printing store for, way easier and less complicated.
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