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Possum Roadkill

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Posts posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. @ Blooper It looks like AR or FR, but I have no idea what it might mean. But I'm old and not very "hip". :lol:

    @ Xander_Lyon, Much improved. I like the wires sparking in the lower right corner. The laser blasts look good as well except the one suspended above the main image. It looks a little out of place. I also like the idea of the panel smashed in. If you want, try this tut and it might be useful in giving the smashed panel a more realistic look by adding some wrinkles to the metal. viewtopic.php?f=35&t=27775&hilit=waving+flag Try looking through the text tuts, I know there is one in there that will help with the painted on look you are trying to get.

    Here we are PDNava.pngPDNsig.png

    I like them ! Nice contrasting colors, simple and elegant. Makes the point right on the mark.

  2. @ Blooper It looks like AR or FR, but I have no idea what it might mean. But I'm old and not very "hip". :lol:

    @ Xander_Lyon, Much improved. I like the wires sparking in the lower right corner. The laser blasts look good as well except the one suspended above the main image. It looks a little out of place. I also like the idea of the panel smashed in. If you want, try this tut and it might be useful in giving the smashed panel a more realistic look by adding some wrinkles to the metal. viewtopic.php?f=35&t=27775&hilit=waving+flag Try looking through the text tuts, I know there is one in there that will help with the painted on look you are trying to get.

    Here we are PDNava.pngPDNsig.png

    I like them ! Nice contrasting colors, simple and elegant. Makes the point right on the mark.

  3. @ Blooper It looks like AR or FR, but I have no idea what it might mean. But I'm old and not very "hip". :lol:

    @ Xander_Lyon, Much improved. I like the wires sparking in the lower right corner. The laser blasts look good as well except the one suspended above the main image. It looks a little out of place. I also like the idea of the panel smashed in. If you want, try this tut and it might be useful in giving the smashed panel a more realistic look by adding some wrinkles to the metal. viewtopic.php?f=35&t=27775&hilit=waving+flag Try looking through the text tuts, I know there is one in there that will help with the painted on look you are trying to get.

    Here we are PDNava.pngPDNsig.png

    I like them ! Nice contrasting colors, simple and elegant. Makes the point right on the mark.

  4. @ Blooper It looks like AR or FR, but I have no idea what it might mean. But I'm old and not very "hip". :lol:

    @ Xander_Lyon, Much improved. I like the wires sparking in the lower right corner. The laser blasts look good as well except the one suspended above the main image. It looks a little out of place. I also like the idea of the panel smashed in. If you want, try this tut and it might be useful in giving the smashed panel a more realistic look by adding some wrinkles to the metal. viewtopic.php?f=35&t=27775&hilit=waving+flag Try looking through the text tuts, I know there is one in there that will help with the painted on look you are trying to get.

    Here we are PDNava.pngPDNsig.png

    I like them ! Nice contrasting colors, simple and elegant. Makes the point right on the mark.

  5. @ Yellowman Thanks ! I have tried to improve the image and have posted a new version in the Realistic Images section. I'm afraid that sometimes my imagination outpaces my artistic abilities :lol: This is such an amazing piece of software it has given me the chance to do things I have always wanted to do. I really appreciate all the help you have been to me. There are so many people I have learned from on this board, what an amazing place it is !

    I would he happy to hear your suggestions ( or anyone else's as to what kind of alien I could have piloting my little spacecraft. I was thinking some little green men might be in order...

  6. @ Yellowman Thanks ! I have tried to improve the image and have posted a new version in the Realistic Images section. I'm afraid that sometimes my imagination outpaces my artistic abilities :lol: This is such an amazing piece of software it has given me the chance to do things I have always wanted to do. I really appreciate all the help you have been to me. There are so many people I have learned from on this board, what an amazing place it is !

    I would he happy to hear your suggestions ( or anyone else's as to what kind of alien I could have piloting my little spacecraft. I was thinking some little green men might be in order...

  7. @ Yellowman Thanks ! I have tried to improve the image and have posted a new version in the Realistic Images section. I'm afraid that sometimes my imagination outpaces my artistic abilities :lol: This is such an amazing piece of software it has given me the chance to do things I have always wanted to do. I really appreciate all the help you have been to me. There are so many people I have learned from on this board, what an amazing place it is !

    I would he happy to hear your suggestions ( or anyone else's as to what kind of alien I could have piloting my little spacecraft. I was thinking some little green men might be in order...

  8. @ Yellowman Thanks ! I have tried to improve the image and have posted a new version in the Realistic Images section. I'm afraid that sometimes my imagination outpaces my artistic abilities :lol: This is such an amazing piece of software it has given me the chance to do things I have always wanted to do. I really appreciate all the help you have been to me. There are so many people I have learned from on this board, what an amazing place it is !

    I would he happy to hear your suggestions ( or anyone else's as to what kind of alien I could have piloting my little spacecraft. I was thinking some little green men might be in order...

  9. @ APShredder Very nice, kind of a retro look. I like your choice of coloration. It would have been easy to go with a primary color like red or blue to emphasize the Superman theme, but you chose a bold direction with this and I think it turned out great. This reminds me of some lithograph posters I saw last year that i liked very much.

    @ Soul41, Xander_Lyon, and Worldnewser I greatly appreciate your comments and have tried to incorporate them into the various versions of this piece. Thanks again for the constructive criticism and support.

    @ BoltBait I appreciate the opportunity to have the honor of being in the Galleria. I hope that this image rises to the quality of the others found there.

    @ Ash Thank you so much for your suggestions. It has made this piece so much better. I have tried to accomplish the improvements to the best of my ability but what I have realized is that I have so much more to learn. There are some things that I did not change because I was happy with the texture, or color of the original part, but I did try to resolve the technical issues you pointed out. I hope that I was able to get somewhat close to what you expected. Thanks again for your help.


  10. @ APShredder Very nice, kind of a retro look. I like your choice of coloration. It would have been easy to go with a primary color like red or blue to emphasize the Superman theme, but you chose a bold direction with this and I think it turned out great. This reminds me of some lithograph posters I saw last year that i liked very much.

    @ Soul41, Xander_Lyon, and Worldnewser I greatly appreciate your comments and have tried to incorporate them into the various versions of this piece. Thanks again for the constructive criticism and support.

    @ BoltBait I appreciate the opportunity to have the honor of being in the Galleria. I hope that this image rises to the quality of the others found there.

    @ Ash Thank you so much for your suggestions. It has made this piece so much better. I have tried to accomplish the improvements to the best of my ability but what I have realized is that I have so much more to learn. There are some things that I did not change because I was happy with the texture, or color of the original part, but I did try to resolve the technical issues you pointed out. I hope that I was able to get somewhat close to what you expected. Thanks again for your help.


  11. @ APShredder Very nice, kind of a retro look. I like your choice of coloration. It would have been easy to go with a primary color like red or blue to emphasize the Superman theme, but you chose a bold direction with this and I think it turned out great. This reminds me of some lithograph posters I saw last year that i liked very much.

    @ Soul41, Xander_Lyon, and Worldnewser I greatly appreciate your comments and have tried to incorporate them into the various versions of this piece. Thanks again for the constructive criticism and support.

    @ BoltBait I appreciate the opportunity to have the honor of being in the Galleria. I hope that this image rises to the quality of the others found there.

    @ Ash Thank you so much for your suggestions. It has made this piece so much better. I have tried to accomplish the improvements to the best of my ability but what I have realized is that I have so much more to learn. There are some things that I did not change because I was happy with the texture, or color of the original part, but I did try to resolve the technical issues you pointed out. I hope that I was able to get somewhat close to what you expected. Thanks again for your help.


  12. @ APShredder Very nice, kind of a retro look. I like your choice of coloration. It would have been easy to go with a primary color like red or blue to emphasize the Superman theme, but you chose a bold direction with this and I think it turned out great. This reminds me of some lithograph posters I saw last year that i liked very much.

    @ Soul41, Xander_Lyon, and Worldnewser I greatly appreciate your comments and have tried to incorporate them into the various versions of this piece. Thanks again for the constructive criticism and support.

    @ BoltBait I appreciate the opportunity to have the honor of being in the Galleria. I hope that this image rises to the quality of the others found there.

    @ Ash Thank you so much for your suggestions. It has made this piece so much better. I have tried to accomplish the improvements to the best of my ability but what I have realized is that I have so much more to learn. There are some things that I did not change because I was happy with the texture, or color of the original part, but I did try to resolve the technical issues you pointed out. I hope that I was able to get somewhat close to what you expected. Thanks again for your help.


  13. This is much improved over the original. With a little more work on the floor reflections I'd say it would be ready for the galleria.

    :shock: :D

    Where to start....Do you mind if I put some notes on your image, a picture is worth a thousand words, you know? :wink:

    Sorryz... :P These are the main issues I see right away. Let me know if I didn't make it clear or you don't understand.

    Working on it. I may have questions. :wink:

  14. This is much improved over the original. With a little more work on the floor reflections I'd say it would be ready for the galleria.

    :shock: :D

    Where to start....Do you mind if I put some notes on your image, a picture is worth a thousand words, you know? :wink:

    Sorryz... :P These are the main issues I see right away. Let me know if I didn't make it clear or you don't understand.

    Working on it. I may have questions. :wink:

  15. This is much improved over the original. With a little more work on the floor reflections I'd say it would be ready for the galleria.

    :shock: :D

    Where to start....Do you mind if I put some notes on your image, a picture is worth a thousand words, you know? :wink:

    Sorryz... :P These are the main issues I see right away. Let me know if I didn't make it clear or you don't understand.

    Working on it. I may have questions. :wink:

  16. This is much improved over the original. With a little more work on the floor reflections I'd say it would be ready for the galleria.

    :shock: :D

    Where to start....Do you mind if I put some notes on your image, a picture is worth a thousand words, you know? :wink:

    Sorryz... :P These are the main issues I see right away. Let me know if I didn't make it clear or you don't understand.

    Working on it. I may have questions. :wink:

  17. @ Xander_Lyon Very nice job on the flag. It is improved. I know what you mean about planning. You'll get there. Sometimes I make parts of the image outside of the main image so if I need to I can go back to that individual piece and make changes and then put it back into the main image. Also,on larger works, I will save a backup of the image at certain phases so I can go back in time to an earlier phase of the image. Use as many layers as it takes, especially in the more complicated pieces, just remember to name the layers. :lol: One final thing that I have learned to do is to flatten the image, copy and past to a new image and then undo the flatten and save the original image in it's final stage. I save the .pdn files in a separate folder from the final .png.

  18. @ Xander_Lyon Very nice job on the flag. It is improved. I know what you mean about planning. You'll get there. Sometimes I make parts of the image outside of the main image so if I need to I can go back to that individual piece and make changes and then put it back into the main image. Also,on larger works, I will save a backup of the image at certain phases so I can go back in time to an earlier phase of the image. Use as many layers as it takes, especially in the more complicated pieces, just remember to name the layers. :lol: One final thing that I have learned to do is to flatten the image, copy and past to a new image and then undo the flatten and save the original image in it's final stage. I save the .pdn files in a separate folder from the final .png.

  19. @ Xander_Lyon Very nice job on the flag. It is improved. I know what you mean about planning. You'll get there. Sometimes I make parts of the image outside of the main image so if I need to I can go back to that individual piece and make changes and then put it back into the main image. Also,on larger works, I will save a backup of the image at certain phases so I can go back in time to an earlier phase of the image. Use as many layers as it takes, especially in the more complicated pieces, just remember to name the layers. :lol: One final thing that I have learned to do is to flatten the image, copy and past to a new image and then undo the flatten and save the original image in it's final stage. I save the .pdn files in a separate folder from the final .png.

  20. @ Xander_Lyon Very nice job on the flag. It is improved. I know what you mean about planning. You'll get there. Sometimes I make parts of the image outside of the main image so if I need to I can go back to that individual piece and make changes and then put it back into the main image. Also,on larger works, I will save a backup of the image at certain phases so I can go back in time to an earlier phase of the image. Use as many layers as it takes, especially in the more complicated pieces, just remember to name the layers. :lol: One final thing that I have learned to do is to flatten the image, copy and past to a new image and then undo the flatten and save the original image in it's final stage. I save the .pdn files in a separate folder from the final .png.

  21. Ash remember that its the quality that matters not the quantity. So don't worry about replies and stuff (i know its a good feeling when someone says "Awesome tut" or something similar) as your tuts are top quality anyway. ;)

    I agree. It's not just about replicating what you do in a tut, it's about changing the way people think and causing them to think in new ways. And sometimes it just something that you post in someone else's tut that makes everyone think in a different way and that leads to something better or something new. For example, like I said, I did your fur tut last night and at lunch today I read through two others on fur and you made the comment ;

    You can do this in 4 steps.

    1. Clouds.

    2. Add noise.

    3. Motion Blur.

    4. Add color.

    So I did that and it turned out really cool, but that got me to thinking about something else you did in another tut and that lead to a new way of doing fur. It's so pretty and wavy too ! So see, it goes way beyond a single effect or technique. Some people will just copy things, and that's fine, but some people really do learn from what you say and do.

  22. Ash remember that its the quality that matters not the quantity. So don't worry about replies and stuff (i know its a good feeling when someone says "Awesome tut" or something similar) as your tuts are top quality anyway. ;)

    I agree. It's not just about replicating what you do in a tut, it's about changing the way people think and causing them to think in new ways. And sometimes it just something that you post in someone else's tut that makes everyone think in a different way and that leads to something better or something new. For example, like I said, I did your fur tut last night and at lunch today I read through two others on fur and you made the comment ;

    You can do this in 4 steps.

    1. Clouds.

    2. Add noise.

    3. Motion Blur.

    4. Add color.

    So I did that and it turned out really cool, but that got me to thinking about something else you did in another tut and that lead to a new way of doing fur. It's so pretty and wavy too ! So see, it goes way beyond a single effect or technique. Some people will just copy things, and that's fine, but some people really do learn from what you say and do.

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