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Possum Roadkill

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Posts posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. @ Oma Wouldn't you know that I would be on vacation when you unveil your beautiful elephant. I'm looking forward to seeing it in full size in your gallery. From the thumbnail, it looks to be every bit as stunning as I imagined it would be when you first gave us a peek at your work in progress.

    @ Welshblue Love the pint of ale. The metal finish looks just like pewter. The foam head is a great touch. Add some bubbles to the brew and some condensation on the outside of the glass and it will be perfect.

    @ Pophiri Thanks ! I enjoyed doing the spiders, but the rest of the image was the real fun and the learning experience. For me, it's things that fly and sting, except Honey Bees. I love Honey Bees ! I have a hive that my dad gave me two years ago and it is doing real well. I may get to harvest some honey in a few days ! I'm planning on adding some more hives next year so I will have four or five total.

    @ Boude I really like your lava lamp, the glass and the lava look really great. Great idea ! I may try to make one some time. Is there a tut for doing one? I always wanted one when I was younger.

    @ Yellowman All I can say is WOW ! I've seen other people do photo chop coins of Obama but they used photos of real coins and they didn't look half as good (or real) as yours. Every time I turn around you just blow me away with another gold piece. You have the Midas touch without a doubt. I keep trying but mine always looks like gold foil or mylar. Very impressive piece. The raised letters really makes the piece realistic. Awesome !

    @ Helen You are truly an artist. That is a beautiful piece. While I hack away with every plug-in under the sun, you quietly create stunning pieces with a simple brush tool that conveys such beautiful emotions. I am humbled every time I go through your gallery.

  2. Any color looks good with gray, or any highly desaturated color (or absence thereof, for black). ;)

    Sharp, what sets your signature apart from the many others the users here make? That's something you should ask yourself, always.

    Aaaaggghhhh! Big words ! I'm just a small woodland creature with an internet connection. Ok, I know what you are talking about now, sort of. After reading a big long scientific explanation about wavelengths and nano whozies, then part of Abney's Law (optics) "The shift in apparent hue of spectral color that is desaturated by addition of white light is toward the red end of the spectrum if the wavelength is below 570 nanometers and toward the blue if it is above." (Yeah as if I understand that)

    I finally ran across an article by a photographer who explained it in normal people terms and actually had pictures. Then I found this site that had color palettes. And voila,


    Thanks ! I learned something else tonight. Ok brain is full, must go to bed now.

  3. my best work (IMO) as of yet


    Indy Colts Forever!

    AWESOME !!! Very nice image. You have some really good work, but I really like this one because I'm a Big Colts Fan. I live about 50 miles east of Indy. Used to go to a lot of games. Looking forward to this season. Go Colts !

  4. Congrats on being featured in the Galleria. :D

    Thanks very much. Your Gold Text tut was a big help to me when I started out a few months ago. I learned so much from that tut and getting through it (and getting good results) gave me a lot of confidence. It is one of the best on the forum.

    :lol:Possum Roadkill that look so funny it is shouting save me, I like it, btw congratulations on being featured in the galleria, I like that image very much especially the 3 key-stones I forgot to mention that.

    Thanks Yellowman, I couldn't have done an image like that without the things I have learned from you and so many others on here. I am really honored to be there in such good company. :D

    I had a lot of fun with my little green men. I needed something goofy to do at the time. Funny thing happened, the day I finished it, someone on the forum where I'm a moderator started a thread about the UFO crash at Roswell. I couldn't resist posting it there. :lol:

    Thanks again to the both of you and to all of you who have helped me learn what I have so far.

  5. There are still some parts bugging me, but since it's posted to the galleria already, I'll keep em to myself. :?

    I'll try to push your limits on the next one, I know you can do better.

    Me too. I could go on and on about what I don't like about it. But at some point I find the need to call it done. I do hope I can do better, but I know that to do so, I have to "get" better. There are so many things I don't understand. (...about everything...) I have so much to learn. Sigh.....there just aren't enough tomorrows.....

  6. Congratulations Possum! Your spider pic made it into the Galleria. Awesome. :wink:

    Thanks a bunch ! I'm really proud to be included with the artists there. I look up to all of you very much and get inspiration from you guys every time I come to this forum.

    And now for something completely goofy. :idea:

    Hey Yellowman ! I found some guy to pilot my flying saucer. Trouble is he is wanted by the galactic police force so my saucer got all shot up. :shock: Oh well, I needed a new one anyway. :lol: 8)


  7. Gasp ! :shock: Uh, never heard of it. Is it a camera store? :wink:

    No, it's Adobe Photoshop. It's VERY well known, so I'm VERY surprised that you didn't know what it is. I still prefer Paint.NET to Photoshop, despite its 10/10 ratings.

    I was just kidding around. :lol: I know what it is, just never had a chance to use it. I do know I do like PdN better simply because of the cost associated with PS. I'm just a poor country possum and don't have two nickles to rub together. :cry::lol:

    BTW those are very nice spacescapes. I especially like Despise. Reminds me of a scene from Babylon 5.

    Who's piloting the UFO?


  8. Your new starscape is........well dang, I've run out of words. I'm starting to sound like a blithering idiot. It is simply amazingly beautiful.

    I'm pretty eclectic in my music as well. I like the "new country" a lot, the old, not so much. I have about everything in my collection, from country and classical to the Beatles and Pink Floyd. My favorites are still Thomas Dolby and Kate Bush. I know, weird huh? I've always liked bluegrass though. I think it may be required in our state by some law or genetic defect or something. That video is what I used to do, photo chops to amuse my friends, so I put it to music and put it in a video. Thanks to you, Welsh Blue, Yellowman, Ash, and so many others on here, I can actually paint something! Thanks ! You guys are the best.

  9. Your new starscape is........well dang, I've run out of words. I'm starting to sound like a blithering idiot. It is simply amazingly beautiful.

    I'm pretty eclectic in my music as well. I like the "new country" a lot, the old, not so much. I have about everything in my collection, from country and classical to the Beatles and Pink Floyd. My favorites are still Thomas Dolby and Kate Bush. I know, weird huh? I've always liked bluegrass though. I think it may be required in our state by some law or genetic defect or something. That video is what I used to do, photo chops to amuse my friends, so I put it to music and put it in a video. Thanks to you, Welsh Blue, Yellowman, Ash, and so many others on here, I can actually paint something! Thanks ! You guys are the best.

  10. Your new starscape is........well dang, I've run out of words. I'm starting to sound like a blithering idiot. It is simply amazingly beautiful.

    I'm pretty eclectic in my music as well. I like the "new country" a lot, the old, not so much. I have about everything in my collection, from country and classical to the Beatles and Pink Floyd. My favorites are still Thomas Dolby and Kate Bush. I know, weird huh? I've always liked bluegrass though. I think it may be required in our state by some law or genetic defect or something. That video is what I used to do, photo chops to amuse my friends, so I put it to music and put it in a video. Thanks to you, Welsh Blue, Yellowman, Ash, and so many others on here, I can actually paint something! Thanks ! You guys are the best.

  11. @ Possum' that's looking awesome. I love the curtains they look great ... and the textures and most of the the image ...

    ... The only issue I can see is spiders I hate them

    Thanks ! It's been a fun image to work on. To be honest, I'm not fond of most spiders, but there are some that are pretty cool. We have these little black jumping spiders that are all furry and have the brightest green eyes. They have yellow and white spots on them that really glow. I would love to have a little robot spider with a camera in it. That would be really cool. Oh well, I digress... I think I'm done with it. Time to move on to something else. I have shown this image to a couple of friends who are now new converts to PdN. :D


  12. @ Possum' that's looking awesome. I love the curtains they look great ... and the textures and most of the the image ...

    ... The only issue I can see is spiders I hate them

    Thanks ! It's been a fun image to work on. To be honest, I'm not fond of most spiders, but there are some that are pretty cool. We have these little black jumping spiders that are all furry and have the brightest green eyes. They have yellow and white spots on them that really glow. I would love to have a little robot spider with a camera in it. That would be really cool. Oh well, I digress... I think I'm done with it. Time to move on to something else. I have shown this image to a couple of friends who are now new converts to PdN. :D


  13. @ Possum' that's looking awesome. I love the curtains they look great ... and the textures and most of the the image ...

    ... The only issue I can see is spiders I hate them

    Thanks ! It's been a fun image to work on. To be honest, I'm not fond of most spiders, but there are some that are pretty cool. We have these little black jumping spiders that are all furry and have the brightest green eyes. They have yellow and white spots on them that really glow. I would love to have a little robot spider with a camera in it. That would be really cool. Oh well, I digress... I think I'm done with it. Time to move on to something else. I have shown this image to a couple of friends who are now new converts to PdN. :D


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