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Everything posted by MJW

  1. You're most welcome. It's a common mistake.
  2. Are you perchance using "Image>Resize" when you should be using "Image>Canvas Size"?
  3. You're certainly welcome. I'm happy it was useful. I have a newer version, with a couple of minor added features, which I'll release in a few days.
  4. Assuming the new comp can begin today or tomorrow, I hope it will end on Friday of next week, to keep with the more-or-less usual schedule. That still gives plenty of time.
  5. sashwilko, I very much appreciate your diligence in voting, though I didn't intend to (as they said in the 60s) lay a guilt trip on Red ochre or anyone else. I confess that I, too, have occasionally neglected to vote. I intend to, but keep putting it off, till I realize it's too late. Ishi, it is, in the words of Rob Petrie, time to cook or get off the stove. Drew, I'm not sure what the rule is for how many entries can be voted for, but in my opinion it shouldn't be over half the entries. I'd favor something closer to about a third. Perhaps somewhat more for themes that don't attract many entries.
  6. In the Graffiti / Urban Art SOTW comp, there were 13 participants, and 17 entries. Those are quite a respectable numbers, I'd say. I wish more non-participants would stop by to vote.
  7. First, congratulations on your impressively intricate winning entry! (That's a lot of detail to fit into 500x200!) Second, it's up to you to choose the theme, so you should choose whatever you want, but I think Impressionism would be a fine theme.
  8. Here is a little plugin, called Adjustments>Black and White+, that I just wrote. It lets you specify the weights for R, G, and B. It's nothing fancy, but I'll probably officially release it. Here is the DLL: BlackAndWhite+.zip
  9. I wouldn't at all. That's not how photographs work, and it's not how the eye works. Fully saturated yellow is brighter than fully saturated blue. (I do agree that the blue circle on the dark, desaturated yellow background doesn't look correct.)
  10. If your goal is converting to Black and White, I doubt my HSV Scrambler plugin does what you want. As I said in an earlier comment, setting the saturation to 0 is not a good way to convert to B&W.
  11. Well, I actually think the B&W color conversion for the balls is fairly decent. I can say for sure it's better than what you'd get if you just set the saturation to 0. Setting the saturation to zero is not a good way to convert to B&W.
  12. My point about it not being a big deal was, it just affects a couple of effects: Hue/Saturation and Hue/Saturation+. Maybe someone will write a plugin to adjust hue and saturation in a way you like better. My HSV Scrambler plugin will let you scale and offset the HSV values using the formula you (and I) prefer, though it's a bit overly complicated for what you want to do. If you use it, set the Saturation and Value Bounds Handling to Clamp rather than Reflected Wrap.
  13. That's how the intensity is often defined when converting to black-and-white, and perhaps that's how PDN's built-in RGB to HSV routines calculate Value. That's not how I do it when I convert to and from HSV. I use (a scaled version of) the max of the RGB components. Microsoft's Color.GetBrightness method returns the average of the of the max and min components (which seems kind of weird). I wouldn't call it "a pretty major bug." HSV isn't built deeply into PDN. The plugins that use HSV do whatever they do. EDIT: From what I can tell, PDN's built-in conversion routines use the same method I do, but the PixelOp routine that's used by the Hue/Saturation adjustment uses the weighted formula EER gave. Seems a little odd, but there may be a good reason.
  14. Are you sure you changed the name? That may seem like a srange question, but if you look at your error output, it indicates it's is trying to open a PNG file: at PaintDotNet.Data.PngFileType.OnLoad(Stream input) in d:\src\pdn\paintdotnet\src\PaintDotNet\Data\PngFileType.cs:line 118 I saved a PDN file as under a .png extension, and got the same type of error message when I tried to open it. I changed the extension to .pdn, and it opened fine.
  15. Thank you for changing the thread title. When you say it "didn't work," what do you mean? After you changed the extension from .png to .pdn, did it do exactly the same thing or something different?
  16. You should choose a more descriptive thread name. Imagine if every thread asking for help were called "Help me!" It's rule 6 of the forum rules: Thread titles must be descriptive and specific -- NOT generic. I think from what you've said, you can probably just use the Windows file explorer (the built-in Window program that lets you look at folders and files) to rename the file. Just right click on the file, choose "rename" from the drop-down list, and type the name with the correct extension. Windows will ask you if you're sure you want to change the extension. I assume you are sure. You can actually do the same from within PDN. Just click on "File>Open" and when it brings up the file menu, right click on the file and rename it. If things work right, you should now be able to open the file. EDIT: My other right! Right click, don't left click. EDIT 2: Decided it made more sense to use File>Open instead of File>Save As.
  17. It's easy to do with a few controls, and (as I mentioned in a reply to Rick) I've done that on occasion. When it's done with a plugin like Texture Shader that has around a dozen control values, it's a mess to have to save and compare shadow copies for each value. And plugins with many controls are the ones that waste the most time redoing the setup for every ROI. I think the control dirty flag is a very useful idea which is trivial to implement and easy to use, but apparently I'm alone it that opinion. (I'd forgotten when I replied to Rick that I'd actually posted code using the shadow-copy method. I only remembered using it for a few non-posted plugins.)
  18. The "get a suntan idea" is silly. I suggest you hit the gym, and build a body like Arnold's at his prime. That would eliminate the need to superimpose your face on his body. If that's not practical, then besides Darty's very useful blending suggestion and the contrast adjustments, you might try BoltBait's Hue / Saturation+. There are number of other recolor plugins that might also be useful, along with the built-in Recolor Tool. As others have said, you need the lighting to be similar or the result will never look right. If the lighting is from opposite directions, you might try flopping the image of Arnold.
  19. Thanks Drew! Perhaps I'll try my hand at one o' them thar vertical sigs!
  20. The confusion is understandable. it's been a long, long time since I've seen a vertical entry. Maybe the rules should make clear whether they're allowed. When struggling to find a concept that fits within the size constraints, I've considered using a vertical format, but decided not to. First, because I wasn't certain they're still permitted; and second, because they don't really seem to me to be practical as sigs. I'd think they would make the height of even short comments rather excessive.
  21. I don't know the current rules, but it used to be that the dimensions could be either horizontal or vertical. In fact, there was a SOTW devoted to vertical sigs.
  22. I think 25% on an i5 probably means a thread is occupying all of the time in one of the four cores. On several occasions when my Firefox browser completely froze, the usage said exactly 25%.
  23. All PDN (except the Chat Noir image from the poster). The sign font is Las Enter (personal use) by Måns Grebäck, downloaded from dafont.com. The brick wall is based on Welshblue's fabulous tutorial, with the Texture Shader used for some steps. The random variation of the brick colors was done with pyrochild's pixelate+, along with my Offset Alternating Stripes. (And I'm actually very fond of dogs, even though they do sometimes drool.) EDIT: Applied Ed Harvey's Vibrance plugin, which improves the sign, and also seems to give the image a little more "nighttime" feeling.
  24. I was wrong about there being a bug for -90°. It works exactly as it's supposed to, just not how I expected. When rotated -90°, the leftmost column is differently shifted than the second column. I thought that was an error, but it's not. For that rotation, the leftmost column is x=0, so it should be an odd stripe (since the stripes are numbered from 1), while the next column is x=-1, which is the last column of an even stripe. The Phase control can be used the shift the starting point left.
  25. I think there's a place for both. I've often used AA's Assistant to intentionally erode an object's edge, but at other times that behavior is a detriment.
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