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Everything posted by LFC4EVER

  1. D3z's way of making curved arrows is correct, but there is a much easier way. With the line tool, just set the style to have a arrowhead at the end; see image below.
  2. Edit: Never mind, the solution to your query is quite simple. Apply a upper left to lower right arrow, then flip it horizontally.
  3. Your supposed to PM Crazy Man Dan(CMD). The link is in the first post of this thread
  4. You may have to cut the image out and use coloring tools, such as curves to colour it. Also, could you post an example image, as it would help a lot.
  5. Its nearly there as an excellent wallpaper, its only very good now. 8) This is only because the huge space on the left is really empty and plain, compared to the other entries. Something needs to fill that gap. Once the right thing is put there, it'll be worthy of entering! Good luck!
  6. New (temporary) sig and avatar, while Spain are in Euro 2008. Go SPAIN!!! Stocks used were: Flag Map P.S Thanks Blooper, your idea was effective


    I shall be looking forward to the end product too!! I know it will be amazing as always. P.S. Lol at your location Expiration, i just noticed it
  8. I only knew it was Kaleidoscope as i playing around with the settings a few days ago, and something like that came up; the image just stayed in my mind.. :shock:
  9. I like it!! Excellent use of Polar Inversion!
  10. Read this, also reading through the entire Paint.NET help file (press F1 whilst in PDN) will teach you a lot!
  11. I sense Xor at first..then i thought nah it can't be! I think its Kaleidoscope :wink: I'm right aren't i?
  12. I wasn't referring to your idea, i quoted LJXD specifically.
  13. Try re-downloading and installing them again.
  14. Really nice -Expiration-!! It seems as if the jaguar is walking towards you . The way you closed the tiger's eyes (yes i did notice that ) really clever. Excellent work, but needs a bit more foliage.
  15. This is a sig showing who i'm backing to win Euro 2008, i feel its missing something. Stocks used were: Flag Map
  16. Drop Shadow works well. Just apply a black drop shadow to the left, then a white one to the right. EDIT: this is the result with the drop shadows. EDIT2: Replaced image with feather
  17. I like entering, its great fun, you may even end up doing something you'd never think of doing! You learn a lot too, which is also good.
  18. Once a topic is decided and jerkfight starts it. Congratulations Jake2k on winning!
  19. Well, it should work for every landscape with a sky. I just took CommanderSozo's amazing piece and put it into night-time, using Ash's ingenious method.
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