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Everything posted by Curmudgeon

  1. I should add, that I borrowed the image from the website which comes up when you press 'F1' for help. Keep that in mind for the future.
  2. They tell you the colors to use, as well as the gradient. The rest can be done using ellipses (with a rectangular section removed from the center), align object, flipping layers horizontally, panelling, and scanlines. I played with it for about 5 minutes and got this far...I assume you can make the lines and add the text.
  3. 64 steps...then I can pretty much guarantee that there is an easier way to do it. As HITMAN-X asked earlier, how many people have ooohed and aaahed about it and asked you for one? It would be wiser to post it in the Pictorium first, and gauge interest there, rather than wasting time writing up a 64 step tutorial for something which doesn't exactly have a big WOW effect. Just my two cents
  4. This is something I did a long time ago. Not sure if it's something like what you were wanting to do: The rings were just an ellipse, with a linear gradient, then median blurred, copied and aligned on different layers.
  5. choose a couple colors... effects>render>clouds (high roughness) adjustments>black & white adjustments>levels (play with output numbers)
  6. Like Rubrica already said, you've posted in the wrong forum. This should've gone in the General Discussion forum instead. As for your images, you can search for the vignette, soften portrait, and custom brushes plugins. That's what I'd use to make the effects in those images. And as I can speak some Russian, trying to pronouce your username was a chore...needless to say, it's not in Russian. (as it comes out something like yayatnyoryayo'yol)
  7. Looked to me as the same technique to make a basic neon text: So I just started with a white background, and then on new layers drew a mushroom, and copied it and flipped it, and resized it down a bit, then merge the 'shrooms down onto the white background. Then blur the background layer with the 'shrooms on it. Then duplicate that layer, and set the top layer properties to Negation Then color it the best way you know how (Curves, Hue/Saturation, Color Tint, etc.) Forgot to mention, to magic wand the parts of the mushroom where they intersect, and to delete that portion from the other layers. Also to do a few gradients on the stems and heads of the mushrooms.
  8. I was just about to ask you, if by "filling it in" you meant something like this: But I see you already got it
  9. One way you could create a seamless texture is to use the grid/checkerboard maker and for the UI, choosing: centered on crossing foreground only Or by creating a texture, then using the Seamless Texture Maker plugin. Both can be found in Madjik's "Madjik-all pack"
  10. from Ash's bullet holes tutorial Here. cjmcguinness wrote: Gradient Barsplugin. 1. Make a 500 x 500 blank canvas. Add new layer & work on the new layer so you can skip step 6, the hole would look more natural. (the magic wand selection sometimes just doesn't do it right.) 2. Set Primary colour to Black, Secondary colour to Transparent 3. Use the rectangle select to select an area at the bottom of the canvas, the whole width, right up to 50px from the top (essentially you are selecting the whole canvas except a 50px section all the way across the top) 4. EFFECTS > Gradient Bars: Top=0, Scale=100, Seed=0 5. CTRL+D to deselect and use the EFFECTS > Rectangular to Polar plugin. 6. Use the Magic Wand tool, Tolerance at 75% and click in the centre of the white cirlce - press [Delete] Skiped 7. EFFECTS > Blurs > Zoom blur amount=50. I skiped this step too. 8. ADJUSTMENTS > Invert colours Extra step 9. Majority plugin at default setting. You now have a bullet hole that you can place over glass.
  11. Another option would be to use BoltBait's "Strip Primary Color" plugin, where you set the primary color to the color you'd like to remove, then run the plugin.
  12. Try this tutorial: http://paintdotnet.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5087&st=0&sk=t&sd=a
  13. I tried tile reflection at first, as well as gridmaker, but it looked the best with diagonal lines, then outline object with soft outline, and then jittered. It didn't look half bad until I resized it down and saved it as a jpeg, then lost most of it's definition.
  14. I played around with it a little bit. There's no one single plugin to accomplish that, AFAIK. My example, I used several... Clouds Diagonal Lines Jitter Textile Outline Object Noise I think that was all, along with a gradient or two.
  15. Well, then to answer your question about a plugin which does that, no, I don't think there is one. But it's really not difficult at all to make as you see the one I did. Once the gradient is made, you can adjust it further with glow, or soften portrait.
  16. With that particular plugin, no. However, if it's something like this that you want: It's a simple black background. Draw some lines on a new layer (in contrasting color). Then magic wand in between the lines, and on a new layer, perform a linear gradient with white color to totally transparent color.
  17. If you could post an example, it would be much more of a benefit. So, as I'm not sure as to what you mean, the first thing came to my mind was: Made by using Ed Harvey's nice Vignette plugin (in Effects > Photo > Vignette)
  18. What does this do? Well, if the images are the same size, in the end, it does nothing. But if the images are different sizes, in the end, the background of the layer will be transparent instead of your secondary color. It's my own personal choice that I willed upon the requestor
  19. It works best if they're the same size. Open one of the images in Paint.NET. Then change the secondary color to fully transparent. Then, click on 'Image > Canvas Size' and set it to the full width you would need {example: (2) 500x500 pixel images, set canvas size to 1000x500} Set your anchor point on the canvas size UI to either left or right. Then the first image would be on a layer by itself on either the left or right side. Then click 'Layers > Import from file' and open your 2nd image. It will open on a layer by itself in your project. Then click 'Layers > Flip Horizontal' to flip it to the opposite edge, or alternatively, use the 'Effects > Distort > Panelling' plugin to move it to the other side. Then Merge your layers and you will have them both on one layer...
  20. #1 has been suggested a few times before, and BoltBait replied in the past with a thought-provoking answer: Which color would it be defining? The color it sees on the current layer? The overall color as it would be due to layer blending? Opacity plays a large part in the color as well...
  21. Yeah, the Pleasantville effect tutorial changes something from color, to black & white, however we want to go the opposite way here, and I'm not sure you really can. Only thing I can think of at the moment (and it's still too early for me) is to select areas (whether it's lasso, magic wand, etc.) and apply your own colors and use blend modes to help achieve it. If memory serves me right, someone had a skintones color palette on here; would require a search. Then use blending modes, or perhaps the soft brushes/blur dodge tut might help more.
  22. unless I needed to use it constantly, I'd probably just use a dashed line, then get creative with magic wand, and median blur...could create any sort of dashed/dotted line you wanted
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