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Simon Brown

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Posts posted by Simon Brown

  1. That step does not seem to work for me. I tried the filename with path, without path, replaced the colon by different other characters, used quotation marks at various places, tried it with a path without spaces, but I guess I am just to stupid to make this work (using version 3.5.6). It just opens with an empty untitled document, and in case I use a space as separator (making the arguments two) I get a normal file opened that can be saved normally...

    Try it without the slash. e.g.

    C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\PaintDotNet.exe untitled:C:\image.png

  2. Yes, that's what I was trying before. But it happened too often that I accidentally saved the edited screenshot as the temporary filename that was created by the tool (and overwritten the next time, as I don't want to clutter my temp dir with hundreds of screenshots a day either). Having a filetype plugin at least ensures I cannot accdentally save it under the same name after having edited it.

    Window Clippings somehow opens the captured screenshot in Paint.NET as untitled. If you contact Rick, he might be able to help you do this.

    An effect will clobber the currently opened image (if any), though.

    If someone runs the plugin, they've presumably created a new image for that purpose.

    Can an effect plugin result in a different size canvas than the original image? Then it might be a nice idea. If I have to crop the image manually, all the object detection stuff in my screenshot tool is useless.


    So then it will, I don't care. Thought I might share it with the world (that's what open source is about according to Eric Raymond, someone codes something to scratch a personal itch and shares it with the world), but if the world does not like it, it does not matter to me. You cannot prevent myself from using it, hopefully (Or is there some kind of kill bit in Paint.NET that will disable the plugin in next Paint.NET version?).

    I'm not the one that would delete it, but it would be a shame if it was. Yes, plugins are often blacklisted in updates, but that wouldn't stop you using it yourself.

  3. Unfortunately, Paint.NET does not really support "Acquire" plugins that show some GUI and then import an image (might also be useful for other plugins like the TWAIN plugin), so the best way I could find is have a FileType plugin that "opens" a config file and creates a screenshot from it, and if it cannot, it will return a small blank image. (It is really quick as the file is almost always in my recent file list). You can The plugin does not support "saving" an image, but you can change the options and create a new config file from it.

    A better option might be to write it as a separate program that opens the screenshot in Paint.NET (which is what Window Clippings does with its Paint.NET integration). Or write it as an effect that draws the screenshot onto the canvas, which isn't perfect but better IMO. Accomplishing it with a FileType plugins might get your plugin deleted:

    FileType plugins must not masquerade as "export" plugins. Nor must they have other "side effects."

    A plugin for "export to photobucket" would be completely inappropriate, for instance. The user experience would be completely inappropriate: the user would asked to choose a file, and then your UI would upload the file somewhere, and then the user would have a 0-byte file on their disk because you ignored the Stream object that Paint.NET handed to you. These types of plugins will be deleted.

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