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Everything posted by Rubrica

  1. Right, well, since it seems like pyjo has forgotten, I am now starting a poll on our new theme. If you have a suggestion, then post it here. So far we have: No ideas. Post an idea, and it will be put here!
  2. No, the plugin's thread. EDIT: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4828
  3. You should post this in the thread. You will most likely get more replies.
  4. Such a lot of art! I had forgotten how talented you are!
  5. Nice stuff, you have potential. Off-topic: Why on earth are you studying about molecular structures of plastics and stuff? I learnt that when I was 7! No offence intended.
  6. Look in the plugins forum, then, there will be a stickied thread called "pyro's plugin pack" or something like that, download it from there. There will be a tutorial stickied in that forum as well if you need it.
  7. Go to the "Window" menu up the top, and click "Reset Window Locations".
  8. I believe you clicked the "New Topic" button instead of "Post Rpely". Bear this in mind for the future, please, so that you don't do it again.
  9. I now know how to fill a circle with a colour gradient for example. And if I chose "Radiant" for the colour Gradient the gradient goes away from one point in the circle which I can choose. However this point is the darkest point and it will get lighter as I move the mouse away from this point. How can I do the opposite, so that a circle looks as if the sun was shining on it? Just like on this site e.g.: http://www.u-helmich.de/bio/gen/reihe2/25/25-3-p.html ? Make black your secondary colour, and white your primary.
  10. I have a slight concern about the Pictorium; at the bottom of the page, there are about 7 or so duplicate threads, last posted in by "Guest" even though there are no replies, and when I try to view them, it tells me they don't exist! What going on here?
  11. Actually, what I meant was this: :ShapeBoth: See? That will make the outline your primary colour, and the filling your secondary colour.
  12. Or, there is a MUCH easier way, when you draw a circle, up the top there will be an empty circle with a dropdown menu, click that menu, and find the shape that has a border AND a filling, and then draw your circle.
  13. That not mine, it's rasengan's. I just made it a LOT brighter and added a border. Maybe you should add a note saying that. Good point, I must have forgotten.
  14. That not mine, it's rasengan's. I just made it a LOT brighter and added a border.
  15. For some reason, that puts extremely odd and hilarious images into my head. I don't know why.
  16. Those are brilliant! I especially love the top three!
  17. Sorry, but this would be impossible. The image would have to be saved first,and also, PDN might not be able to establish a connection or some other major problem or something. I don't know, I'm not a plugin designer, but I am fairly sure it would be impossible. Sorry!
  18. Yay! Another 9 year old! OK, randomness put aside, I won't put it in the tutorials section because it's a bit minor to post, so I'll send you a tutorial through PM somewhen soon. Is that OK? EDIT: I've sent it.
  19. oma: Thanks! livewrong: Done. EDIT: I have now added links to the full size images. Some seemed very dull, but now you can the full detail!
  20. Welcome to my gallery! Here you shall find an array of images edited by me, images made from scratch by me, and anything else that was done in PDN! ^ This was rasengan's "The Power of Light", I just made it a lot brighter and added the border. I'm waiting for his approval, then we shall enter it in the competition. ^ That was a pumpkin carving template. Whew, that was a lot. And I'll be adding more as I make it! I hope you enjoyed this, please comment!
  21. Ooh, I want to be new! I hereby curse this forum with the trait of being awful! Muwahahahaha! Sorry, I just had to.
  22. Although it can be slightly annoying, there's no rule against coloured fonts. They're perfectly allowed.
  23. A pip is what I posted in the quote. Try searching for userbars in the tutorials section; the method is what you'll want, you'll just have to use a different set of image dimensions. And also, it's not completely obvious what a "pip" is, because you didn't elaborate, you just said "Can someone make a pip tut?", so you can't really talk to PrettyDarnNeat in that way. I don't mean that nastily, I'm only nine so I'm not the best at wording things. If you still can't understand it, then PM me (only if you're REALLY confused on it) and if you ask nicely I may make one or two for you to save you the trouble.
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