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Everything posted by HELEN

  1. LOL. It looks so cute! Glad you liked it and gave it a try; it was successful.
  2. I love your abstracts. Great job!
  3. I love your images! It's so beautiful and soft. Keep up the awesome work.
  4. :shock: How'd you do that? That is really neat. You can use crumpled paper for some kind of mystery. Maybe have some writing on the paper. I can't wait to see what you do with it!
  5. I like your first image. It's soooo neat! I think you might need to add some shadows at the feet, though. I love all your car images, too. The porsche looks really cool. Great job on all the images. I think you followed the tutorials really well. Welcome to PDN!
  6. lol. I remember drawing those lines (at 12 a.m., mind you) and didn't bother rechecking my work. I'm pretty sure people won't notice that little mistake. It's between me and you and other PDN users. Thanks for the tip, though; I always need to look over my highlights and shadows. Somebody might notice them, too.
  7. Oh my, that's so great! It does look glassy! Awesome job, like always. :wink:
  8. Thanks Welshblue. I guess it's less time-consuming, right? @Kemaru: I can't wait! Your images are always so decorative and pleasant to look at. I can't wait to see more from you and from Welshblue!
  9. Hey, Kemaru. Haven't heard from you in a while. :wink: Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Can't wait to see more from you, too.
  10. @ gOUJOSAMMA: That is so true. I was asked to make this slide and then I was like, I don't want to start this whole thing from scratch. So I decided I'd use one of my glossies as molecules. Glad you noticed. :wink:
  11. The sailboat wasn't originally my idea; the idea was from photoshop. But I mocked it by making it 100% PDN. The lighting took a while. I used fractals, dents, and then some blur. Obviously, I changed the Color Tint on the leaves, too. The glossies I do just for fun, but at the same time, I might use them for a website. Glad you stopped by!
  12. I actually drew one of the leaves with just a paintbrush tool and then copied and pasted the other one. The rest of the picture is with the line tool. Glad you liked it!
  13. Thanks welshblue. @Shadow: Happy that you visited my gallery yesterday.
  14. It could be the shadow, but it's vector-style art, so the shadows are kind of sharp. lol. EDIT: I fixed the two top grapes. They shouldn't be as dark now.
  15. Well, I'm one year older. My birthday is also in August. August 3. I love your sig; it's cool-looking.
  16. HELEN

    Oma's gallery

    No, I found the planet off the web, but I also like the words. Anyway, your space image---I'm just speechless. :shock: :o :shock: :o It's so beautiful and soft and...just so magnificent. I'm glad you took my advice and added the comet and the planet and the lens flare. It looks like I'm inside that image. Great and awesome job, Oma. I LOVE it, it's so spectacular.
  17. I think cazaron gave good advice, BUT I love it!!! It's just so colorful and magical. Great job, Goonfella!
  18. I'm this type of person who likes to achieve effects just using PDN and no other custom brushes or anything. I don't know, it's just me. But it's a good idea for me to look at them and then try to do them in PDN. I fooled around with the shape 3D plugin a few times, so I'm familiar with how to make the ornaments. It's just how you put your image together and placed the names on the ornaments, was what makes it look so neat and homely. Very good design and creativity. Great job. Oh and by the way, I think we might be the same age. lol.
  19. That's really neat! I think that it still looks like a window. I like how it came out. How in the world did you do the snowflakes? Any tips maybe hints? LOVE it!
  20. I love the background; it's dark and mysterious. I like it. And your effects are always good. :wink:
  21. I'm glad you did! I love goldfish, so I decided to draw it. Ladybugs, well, I think ladybugs are cute little creatures.
  22. HELEN

    Oma's gallery

    What if you do something like you did with your "pumpkin patch" one, but make the polar inversion smaller, obviously? Probably cutting out the "swirl" part and making that into the shooting star. Make that a purple-pink-light blue shooting star to go with the rest of your image. Then, duplicate the layer, add a glow, maybe a fragment blur and it will look just as magical. Just my idea. Enjoy the art show and take in as many ideas as possible.
  23. HELEN

    Oma's gallery

    :shock: It's so beautiful, Oma! I think you made the most perfect space picture. I really don't think anything else needs to be added. If you want to, though, you can have a part of a planet at the corner on the lower left side of the image (opposite of the main planet). It's just an idea. Also, How about adding a shooting star somewhere? Or something to do with "camera lens": http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3030/2512161725_79419cab06.jpg
  24. HELEN

    Oma's gallery

    Oma, are you almost done with the space image? I really want to see the finished outcome!
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