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Everything posted by Helio

  1. Nope. Tried that, it didn't work. Here, take a look:
  2. m4rshm3llow: Yes. After increasing the canvas size, you will see a white border (or whatever your secondary color is) surrounding the image. Select it with the magic wand, and delete it. Then on a new layer, render some clouds.
  3. Tab, menu, whatever. The problem has re-appeared. When selecting one of the menus, normally you can move your mouse over each one to see its contents, well, the effects menu is not 'droping down' below the other menus. Instead, it is blocking the Window and Help menus. Wanna screenshot?
  4. I had a minor problem with the effects tab in the beta version, but it disappeared in the final 3.5.
  5. Oh no, I mean that now you've shown where you got a tut. for it and many other things, everybody (me included) will be making them! (Or trying to.)
  6. Somehow, I have a feeling that now the pictorium is going to be loaded with planets, and stars, and galaxies, and comets, and.... BTW BuzzKill, spectacular work! Really.
  7. Somehow, Jake2k getting in fights doesn't surprise me... (kidding )
  8. Wow! You can get into long cramped fights and use your PSP at the same time?
  9. To make a vignette, select the rectangle tool. Make sure it is set at the top to make an outline, then, increase the brush size to the thickness you would like. Click and drag near to the edge to make a border around the picture (make sure you do so on a new layer.) Then Gaussian Blur it to the amount that you like.
  10. They should... Just to make it too easy: Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox 2 If you don't have the latest version, download them now! _________ BTW BoltBait: Your site looks great. Are you planning on making the D6D, PDN and HTML editor pages match? As they are now each one had a strange formating problem when the window was not expanded. After expanding the window, the problem went away, and didn't even come back when resizing it again. Funny. :?
  11. What was I saying about IE7... Since the main column is iced, save your icons as jpg's with the same gray body color as a background. Nobody will ever know... Also, I would increase attraction to 'Boltbait Dot Com' at the top. Maybe get it to flow with the image on the right...
  12. Yes, IE7 supports transparency well. If you are using IE and don't have 7, get it now! Personally, I have IE and Firefox, so... Those eyeballs are nice, jpope. I would try to soften the border between pupil and the iris, though. And make them look a little more glassy. I like it, Jettyy. Very cool!
  13. The Pencil Sketch effect is awesome. Can't wait for the final release. Super job (as always.)
  14. No, just shrink it! (I know, lame defense. ) Yeah, I had problems with aliasing...
  15. What file type are the images? Also try the Import From File function under the Layers tab.
  16. Could you post the Hex of the site's main color?
  17. That's pretty sweet, jpope. ^Click to go to the tut.
  18. Ash, you have the right idea on the first one with the multiple glares, the only thing is that the glare has to follow the contours of the ripple. I'll see if I can post an example later. At any rate, 10 points for trying my tutorial!
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