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Everything posted by oma

  1. personal tut in your PM box. very simplified but should get you off to a start. ciao OMA
  2. ouch my ears are blistering, you certainly told him off. just wanted you to know at least from one person how much I appreciate all the hard work you do. I just wanted to tell you I actually like all the changes (once I got the hang of things). ciao from the oldest (agewise) member of the forum. OMA
  3. received you PM ..... I'll write up a little something on what you asked later today. you didn't say the style of landscape. see above my horse background is more cartoonish/semi real suitable for fantasy.... and the other with the (supposed) deer is more realistic of a misty morning. each starts out differently and this will determine the colors, and plugins. just PM me with a bit more info. be prepared to work, bone up on your perspective notes and look real closely at how shadows and things look in images. I often do not use the built in plugins for shadows but pixel paint mine in and blur. ciao OMA
  4. there are quite a few of us that have done landscapes. check my gallery theres a landscape 100% with the horse pg 62 and I added work in progress shots on pg 56, and the latest one I did there are some work in progress shots on pg 68 those two will give you an idea perhaps its not one button push and voila a landscape it takes a lot of work many layers and loads of attention to details. . another great gallery is Welshblues gallery Welshy has done wonders with landscapes. there are a few others on the forum that do these . ciao OMA edit I see Welshy just beat me to posting
  5. ("Transparency" submenu) Polygonal Transparency The Polygonal Transparency effect has a configurable number of control points in the range [3, 20]. thanks thanks thanks from day one when you released the first version of your plugins of octogonal reshape I've been hoping you would get to the version with all these adjustments points. bravo. one thing that may improve it is if when you use it on one layer then reopen it reverted to the original all around the edge dots. or had a reset button. currently if you use it on one layer then switch layers and use again it starts from the last position it was used. edit I see just change the number of points and it reverts ciao
  6. Thank you Helen. My oma helped me learn to make them glow. I used the way you did the lines to make the shine look like glass. Barbieq25 I will not draw too much, I still go to school and I am on two sports teams. Most of my work I will get Oma to add for me on the other place. I do not often come to this forum. I sometimes go on here when she is looking at the pictures. . DragonG1 thank you. butterfly
  7. oma

    Oma's gallery

    it will be on the other site. with in the next week hopefully. ciao OMA
  8. if you had taken the time to read some of my posts in that thread Flip you would know I took the pictures out because the newer versions of paint.net made the images and methods redundant. try not to be so flippant next time. yes and so are these for now. gone bye bye viewtopic.php?f=31&t=29120&p=251124#p251124 viewtopic.php?f=31&t=28453&p=305343#p305343 viewtopic.php?f=34&t=27099 OMA
  9. You don't have to pay for any of the hosts said here. and as far as I can see there hasn't been one point made about why I should stop using Photobucket for my tut pictures. I can just as easily take them all out and off the forum if you want. That's my perogative as well as where I host them. so as I say don't be trying to dictate anothers decision of hosting site. That's a personal decision made by the person uploading the tut pictures, and as long as they stay within the guidlines writen by the mods and not the mini wanna be mods on the forum that's where my tut pics will stay. ciao
  10. and all I'm going to say unless the owner of this site tells me I must use site x or site y its my choice where I upload my tut pictures. I don't honestly think Rick or the Mods care as long as you stick to the size limits. and as for pictures not being there. Have some of you considered perhaps the person no longer belongs to the forum so they don't feel inclined or obligated to maintain a picture. the tuts are put there by people sharing their work, not as a God given right for others to demand and dictate. OMA
  11. pardon me? I'm not really about to pay for an account any where to give you my hard work. I share the images to my tuts where I want to store them ...... not ever at your dictates where you think I should store them. If there are no images to some of my tuts its because I deleted them as no longer relivant to current version of paint.net. or no one seemed to be doing the tuts. OMA
  12. you have been on a real roll lately. I'm having a hard time keeping up. LOL! of the latest this is my absolute fav. I love everything about this one. the chain work is so precise, and the blue center flower shape is ever so clever. yes absolutely of all your pieces this just speaks so clearly to my heart. lovely work. ciao OMA
  13. the new cube is spectacular! left a comment also on the PDN fanatics site. really great work ciao OMA
  14. well we will see if that theory holds up. LOL! I'm thinking I better break it down into small managable portions. just too bad you can't add layers and work tools thru script lab as well. ciao OMA
  15. I'll have the person fill a screen with desired colors and set pattern selection. then have them apply the scriptlab. script lab will start with zoom to size I require. and perhaps I'll need to follow up with the sharpen etc. from there shape 3d for circular/ egg shape with light unchecked, and image panned. from there the power stretch and other distorts (similar to my pear tut) for the shapes I need. ........................ is there a limit to the number of items that I can put on script lab in one go? ciao OMA
  16. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you Helen. Yes I've used artist quality pencils in Prisma Color brand. Along with some Derwent brand for crisp outlines. I really like this one. Now I don't want to give it away. Who would have thought I'd never in my life tried to draw before the beginning of 2007. I truly amazed myself it actually looks like the roses I started out drawing. Amazing. I've totally stunned myself. ciao OMA edit sorry you asked about the paper as well. It is a Standard weight smooth texture Studio sketchbook by hillroy size 30.5 x 45.7 cm. stark white although my camera is wonky and it shows a bit gray in the thumb. The actual colors are a bit more vibrant as well.....really must get a new digital camera. Maybe I should put that on my Christmas Wish list. Although I really want one of those artist easels.
  17. oma

    Oma's gallery

    was anyone wondering why I've not posted many pictures lately? well I've been finishing up a picture for a Christmas gift. Its not paint.net it is actually a picture I drew with colored pencils. final touch ups this week next week the framers and Christmas under the tree. I feel pretty proud of this one. click for larger view over on my DA account just wanted to show it off.
  18. yes that's how I do it now. just thought there might have been an easier method. never hurts to ask. to give to someone in a scriptlab any ideas? I could do full page pattern using layers and zoom with a sharpen etc. but to fill an shaped area, I'm stuck. any ideas? ciao OMA fake edit. I think I've figured it out. round about method for a scriptlab but may work. too bad your scriptlab doesn't use tools now that would be wonderous!
  19. have that one Pyrochild and use it often. (I have to draw my own pattern or go thru the increase size adjust quality, increase again and adjust quality to get to where I want to be 400% size. ..... is there no way to use the ready made patterns at larger size? or is that just a whole re work of the tools)
  20. not a plugin Helen but a built in function along with the fill patterns.
  21. yes I do that as well but it would be a nice feature not to have to go to all that. even with sharpen sometimes they just don't come out crisp.
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