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Everything posted by oma

  1. here the snow is very dry doesn't roll into nice round balls. you need to pack them up like that sometimes to get the height. and yes you are right I just recycled my 100% paint.net background and added snow. Had to hide that wicked deer somehow. It also is an experiment in getting falling snow to look decent and to figure out how to add snow to tree branches so it doesn't just look like a blob of white paint brush. ciao OMA
  2. if you hit the quote button on my post you will see how I put the info into this page so your image shows. only need one set of image tags at each end. you had two by mistake
  3. @Zieon really taking the minimal image to the extreme. looking good so far. look forward to seeing what gets added next. taking a que for Welshblue I made a Christmas Card as well. I liked his black and white version so opted for a monocromatic color scheme in this one. actually I was just practising getting snow on tree branches and some easy falling snow flakes. all 100% paint.net tut for snowman under creative tuts
  4. the picture is quite small here to see properly. but if there is no gradiant and its just solid white background you could use the plugin alpha space. that will remove the white easily (as long as its a solid shade of white) once the white is out you just add a layer and pop the background of your choice in. I can't tell but think its an image with shadowing around the letters and this is why you are seeing distortion. not sure if you realize that you can adjust the tolerance of the wand. ciao hope that helps OMA
  5. Hubby is being sent by your shop to purchase me some fantastic original jewlery this Christmas. Watch for him and help him pick me out something special. I love all your jewlery pieces and can't decide which is my fav. You are killing me girl. So many choices and I love them all. Oh what the hay I'll just say they are all fav's and should be displayed in the galleria. ciao OMA
  6. than't no problem I'll do a few little quick notes and add it in in the post right after the tut. just a quick little way to cheat on a shadow. for you and those that don't have the plug in drop shadow. Its the old method from before we had that plugin. Lot more work but it will add to your images. give me a little bit of time. I'm redoing some images for the tut on the nose that was at a wonky angle. ciao OMA
  7. great job Welshy I like the addition of BoltBaits plugin makes the snow look really good in the black and white. agree about the carrot nose perspective. I was so working on getting a good looking carrot and simplify the way to blur it i didn't pay proper attention to the angle. I look and see if I can go back and change on my tut. only if not toooooo much work and not too many more pictures. ciao OMA
  8. don't beat your self up. That's a fine image at least you tried something outside your comfort zone. the addition of that sign actually improves the balance of your image greatly. learn about shadows that will help you down the road. ciao OMA
  9. Oh it has to be layers for sure. The ability to do gradiants is good one. But I have to agree with BoltBait plugins make this an awesome program. The feature I'd like improved the most would be lines. just a few more nubs would be nice. but most of the ones doing any drawing have workarounds, that produce excellent results. over all I'd say its a great program the only limitation is what you don't try. Might not be one button push and voila its done but you will learn more about art by actually having to think things thru and work with what is here. ciao OMA
  10. could be the orginal tut hasn't any pictures any longer. the person that wrote it might not be active with the forum and has let the hosting sight go dormant. I'm not sure what tut malestorm is, if its about space scenes I know there are quite a few fellows that are real good at them here on the forum. I do beleive some of them have used photoshop tuts and converted the steps to paint.net and made some great space images. have a look thru the personal galleries in the pictorium. almost everyone with a personal gallery is more than happy to accept nice comments and I'm sure most will be happy to give you a few pointers if you see a space scene or two that look interesting. . ciao OMA
  11. you are trying to access the old tuts that are no longer avail. its nothing to do with you. it was just clean up time . the best and more current tuts are here viewforum.php?f=29 actually some of the older ones from the area you can't access have been moved over to the link I provided you above. if there is a specific tut you are looking for and its not been moved let the mods know here viewtopic.php?f=29&t=26923&start=105 I'm sure David will take a look at the old tut and see if the links are still valid. or point you to another more updated tut covering the same things. ciao OMA
  12. @Boude thanks you. @Wizzard that was so nicely said. I try to write my tut with all the PM questions I receive in mind. In each I try to show how to do something different, and introduce a plugin that is beyond the standard basics. This time it was gradiant mapping. Hopefully those reading the tut will pick up that the plugin isn't so darn scarry and experiment with it a little more. @free321123 oh good gracious that little snowman is precious. you've done a wonderful job! I like he is holding a snowball and an Christmas Decoration. I really like how you did the bottom portion. That rounded bit bottom centre gives him a lot of dimension. so well done and I thanks you from bottom of my heart for trying out my little snowman tut. Have a very Merry Jolly Christmas. ciao OMA
  13. viewtopic.php?f=34&t=26979 reading required ciao OMA
  14. good I look forward to seeing how your version turns out. post it here for everyone to look at. remember you can always customize. ciao OMA
  15. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Welsh and Darkshock. I better re write the arms bit in the tut. can't have jaggy twigs. someone might get snagged when that happy snowman gives out Christmas hugs. ciao OMA (this one I actually used madiks tree gen, but later abandoned it in the tut for 2 reasons 1) I didn't like those jaggy points on the arms and 2) simplicity it was easier to show a newbie just to use a paint.brush.
  16. oma

    Oma's gallery

    seasonal snowman tut completed has been uploaded to the tutorial section under creations http://paintdotnet.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=32859 thanks you to the person that requested this one. I hope that I managed to simplify the steps enough that you can follow along. ciao OMA
  17. mods please leave this post for follow ups and clarifications thanks OMA
  18. This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download it One of our newer members has asked me to do a seasonal tut. "On a snowman please " . I looked around the internet and saw a few photoshop tuts, but didn't really like the outcome of any of them. So made my own with a nice semi realistic texture. This is a fairly straight forward tut. I'd rate it as just a bit beyond absolute beginner. It is long because I show many pictures so the newbies can follow along and put a bit more challenge into their images. When I work with many layers like this I find it is a good idea to name the layers. This take a tiny bit of time but it is a good practice to get into, especially when you start doing complicated images where bits and pieces hide behind other pieces, or inter twine and twist around pieces. I also like to use a different layer for each element or major addition with in an element. This allows me to go back in later and find the layer or layers I need to work on with less troubles. as this tutorial does work with many layers here is a real quick review for the newbies that are trying this out for their first self made non render image. plugins are required . I've limited this to several basics you really should know about. gradiant mapping, bevel, drop shadow. plug in list viewtopic.php?f=16&t=30570 this list will direct you to the proper plugin =========================================================================== open a 800 x 600 image. (control + a, del) you want a transparent background layer ( it will show as checkerboard grey and white) set primary color as white and secondary color as COCOCO in answer to the where do I change the color at. clik the more button on the color wheel you now have a spot to change the hex value...... C0C0C0 is a hex value for a gray shade. =========================================================================== The Body draw using the lasso tool :LassoTool: a shape quite similar to a triangle. it should be a little bumpy . name this layer body do not deselect this shape! you will keep it active until you move on to do the head portion. fill with a radial gradiant :GradiantTool: :RadialGradiant" on this same layer adjustments >gradient mapping by pyrochild colors used white both ends and aprox middle color 93bcbc duplicate this layer :DuplicateLayer: name this layer duplicate body to the duplicated layer effects .> dents ..... change the scale setting to around 65. the next step is to apply frosted glass on the same layer you just did the dents. set the maximum distance anywhere between 6 and 8. now you deselect. ================================================================================ The Head add a transparent layer :AddNewLayer: the texture is done same method as the body. use lasso :Lasso Tool: and make a bumpy circular head name this layer head do not deselect until you go on to make the scarve same as the body fill with circular gradiant :GradiantTool: :RadialGradiant: ( your colors haven't changed. they are still primary white and secondary COCOCO ) same as the body adjustments > gradient mapping by pyrochild sames colors as before white both ends white and aprox middle color 93bcbc duplicate the head layer :duplicateLayer: and apply dents at the same settings as above. scale around 65 name this layer duplicate of head same as before on the layer you did the dents you will use frosted glass anywhere from 6 to 8 distance. now you deselect ==================================================================================== The Scarve use the lasso tool :LassoTool: and draw the long portion of the scarve that hang down. name this layer scarve tails change to the colors you wish to do the scarve and hat. change the fill selection and bucket fill :PaintBucketTool: the scarve tails. add a transparent layer :AddNewLayer: use the lasso :LassoTool: and draw the scarve portion that goes around the neck. name this layer scarve We need to now add shadow do the same settings on both scarve tail layer AND scarve layer this image shows the settings for the shadow and what the scarve looks like after shadow has been applied. ============================================================ LAYER CHECK you are at a total of 5 layers now. ============================================================== The Hat in your layer box clik the layer marked head rightover the writing. now wand any where in the transparent area of your picture (grey and white checker is transparent area) invert your selection (control + i) leave selection active add a layer :AddNewLayer: above the scarve layers change to paintbrush tool :Paintbrush tool: . Use the same pattern and colors as the scarve. and bucket fill :PaintBucketTool: name this layer hat around head so now the poor snowmans face is all covered up. use the ellipse Selection tool and cut away the portion to show the face. add a new transparent layer name this layer hat rib switch to the line tool and change the end caps of the lines to rounded I used a 20 size line here. you may have to make the line bigger or smaller depending on what size you have made the original head. just note the two end caps of the line should end just outside the hat area. now take the two centre nubs and adjust this line until it curves around the hat edge. apply a drop shadow to the rib of the hat. these are the settings I used offset x 5 offset y 10 widening radius 8 blur radius 13 opacity 66 ================================================================ The Eyes The eyes are what makes or breaks most images. these are done very very simply using just a paint brush and black and white colors. add a transparent layer :AddNewLayer: name this layer eyes Of course if you made the head bigger you may need to adjust the size of the paint brush to suit your image this is what I used on this picture. using black paintbrush set at 20 add two round dots change to white paintbrush and over draw a bit off centre two dots size 14 change back to black and add two dots size 10 change to a size 2 brush and draw in with white some little shine highlights add a drop shadow. ================================================================ The Buttons add a transparent layer :AddNewLayer: name this layer buttons The buttons are nothing more than three paintbrush dots move the cursor a little bit so they are not perfectly round. Then give them a shadow. =========================================================== The Carrot Nose The nose uses bluring for the shading. add a transparent layer :AddNewLayer: name this layer carrot nose use the lasso :LassoTool: and make a carrot shape. make it large! look at the picture see how large I made this in relationship to the snowman. almost as big. when it gets downsized it will look more realistic. do not deselect fill that lasso carrot shape with a linear gradiant :LinearGradiant: . The lighter color near the tip and the darker color at the larger rounded end. In this picture I used primary color F9AAOF and secondary DF8719 add a transparent layer :AddNewLayer: name this layer nose shading change to the paintbrush tool and about a size 30 brush run a line of white down the middle of the carrot. White or light colors bring the portion forward. next add the darker shade around the inside edges of you still selected lasso carrot shape. It doesn't need to be perfect. next you are going to use gassiaun blur effects>blurs>gassiaun I used gassiaun blur at 34 . This is a judgment call you will have to make. You wil know if you didn't blur enough. the white line will still be really visible. Same as if you blur too much. the image will not look rounded. add a transparent layer :AddNewLayer: name this layer carrot lines draw some curved lines with the paint brush tool l and a darker brownish orange color. In this picture I used BC7116 effects>blur>true blur now you are finished drawing the carrot now you deselect merge the three carrot layers together. start at the top and use the merge down button :MergeDown: work from the top down after you have all three layers of the carrot merged together. you need to make it smaller to fit on the little snowmans face. use the move pixels tool clik anywhere on the picture and hold the shift key down and drag inwards. when it looks the correct size for your snowman's nose move into position and add a drop shadow. ============================================================ The Arms the little twig arms are very easy to do, but you do need to have them in the correct layer. they need to go behind the body layer, in order to look like they come out the sides of the snowman's body. so how do you add a layer at the bottom? all the layers I've had you add before were added to the top. clik the layers window on the layer marked body. It should be now blue highlight and white writing next add a transparent layer button :AddNewLayer: but it still isn't the very bottom layer clik the move layer down button :Down: so you are ready to do the branch select paintbrush tool and set size to 30 use a brownish color I used BC7116 in this picture. and draw in two stick arms. with the magic wand clik anywhere outside the arms then invert the selection (control + i) do not deselect until you finish the bevel step below add a transparent layer :AddNewLayer: effects>selection>bevel depth setting of 3 =================================================================== you have now finished the snowman check it over any additions you wish to make should be done now before you flatten. as you can see I went back in and added some little fringes to the scarf. and the snowballs at his feet. the fringes just little black lines with the pencil tool dont forget to give them a drop shadow! and the little snowballs at his feet. If you look closely they are just copies of the head layer made smaller by dragging in the corners (similar to how I made the carrot smaller) again don't forget the drop shadows on the snow balls. now you can flatten and save. now that you know how to make a snowman go ahead and customize I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas
  19. check pg 2 of the galleria the first screen shot. this is some interesting reading from the roadmap http://www.getpaint.net/roadmap.html it shows the hard work and dedication Rick has put into this program Let us just say he is a very generous soul he has given this to us to use for free. Now that I'd say makes Rick one fine classy fellow.
  20. left a comment on fans but had to say once again just how this one is pure eyecandy. ciao OMA
  21. certainly you go right ahead and change to what ever font you like to use. I just used that one here in the tut because I like the looks of it. If you look thru the other posts you will see many people doing the tut modified it to their own tastes. . hope to see your finished sword posted here for all to admire. ciao OMA
  22. like the new addition that is very smart looking design. also love your sig that's soothing. ciao OMA
  23. world newser that planet looks pretty good from what I can see. same comment I left Flip just wish it wasn't so darn dark my dear old eyes can't make out the texture I know you spent time making. burning rock that's a prelim version the new updated one is over on DA right now. I'll do a smaller scale into my gallery later this morning. For now I can smell coffee brewing in the kitchen and I think I do so need a cup of java. ciao OMA
  24. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Welsh no power stretch. tip tut AFG PDN fanatics. snowy mountains. do several layers of the same tut no snow lord its cold enough here I don't want to draw snow. different shapes join between them hills/mountians with a bit of transparent graidantto get a nice overlap. and some brightness and contrast changes between layers. and a water feature down front. ciao OMA
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