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Everything posted by Zagna

  1. PNG is a lossless format, but file sizes depend on how long you want to spend optimizing it. Reason for file becoming bigger after resizing it smaller, most likely is due to blurriness? If the initial image is optimal for PNG, sharp lines, no gradients, few colors, it works great. Resizing produces artifacts which are very costly to store lossless. One option is to try OptiPNG optimizes the file as much as possible.
  2. The free version is just a basic Windows program which has a name + program icon. Paid version is UWP-Win32 app which provides its own tile image which you see there.
  3. To duplicate layer, Ctrl+Shift+D. To get just a selection, Ctrl+C & Ctrl+Shift+V.
  4. With Animations turned off, doesn't seem to produce lag for layer toggling like it did before. But since it takes an indeterminate amount of time for the lag to manifest and I'm not sure if being minimized or in the background matters, it's complicated. I'll try couple more times with Animations turned on. It's just waiting long enough.
  5. Random guess. Try changing this setting if it fixes it?
  6. Lag over time, Part Deux After having paint.net just sitting in the background for the last hour, it is taking few seconds to toggle layers. But, just switching to a different image and back, layers toggle as fast as normally.
  7. Repros? Lag over time? edit: Also, with 150ish layers, using the mouse scroll wheel on the Layers window is very slow. Scrollbar on the other hand is smooth and fast.
  8. The colors previously were random color picker results, they're now one of those Office colors chosen randomly, I spent literally seconds choosing colors for them. I have zero attachments to the colors. All the icons were more or less traced over the old ones, nothing has been redesigned. So they'll all look weird. I assume that I'll redesign quite few of them. Or anybody else since I'm not artistic at all. Resizing was something that would be most likely worked out when testing the icons. Actual demonstrations are used because current icons are demonstrations and I just duplicated them.
  9. You have it set to pixels per centimeter. DPI means dots per inch. So change it to pixels/inch.
  10. It would be good for you to create an account at Crowdin so when this gets uploaded there, you can easily update it in the future.
  11. What are your system specs? CPU & GPU? There was possibly some bug that disallowed your GPU before and now it is being used. Previously only your CPU was used for everything in paint.net. With 4.1, UI, compositing, couple effects and some other parts were done with your GPU because it can do those things much faster. It is totally safe to turn off GPU acceleration but you are losing performance. Try doing your workflow with and without Hardware accelerated rendering, see if the performance boost from it is beneficial or not. So which is better, software rendering & window capture or hardware rendering & monitor capture?
  12. Maybe... with paint.net 4.1, something made your system run in hardware accelerated GPU mode while previously it was running in software mode. Turn "Hardware accelerated rendering (GPU)" off and see if that changes things?
  13. To get paint.net, you have to do either monitor capture or cropped monitor capture. Window capture doesn't get the floating windows.
  14. Random guess, try if turning off Fluid mouse input changes anything?
  15. All the colors currently are just a random sampling from the original icon using Inkscape's color picker couple times until the color was OKish. Changing the colors would be just opening up all of them, using a palette of some kind. For example, Office 2016 would be like GIMP Palette Name: Office 2016 Colors # 80 80 80 Text Gray (80) 95 95 95 Text Gray (95) 105 105 105 Text Gray (105) 128 128 128 Dark Gray 32 158 158 158 Medium Gray 32 179 179 179 Light Gray ALL 114 114 114 Dark Gray 16 144 144 144 Medium Gray 16 77 130 184 Blue 32 74 125 177 Blue 16 234 194 130 Yellow ALL 231 142 70 Orange 32 227 142 70 Orange 16 230 132 151 Pink ALL 118 167 151 Green 32 104 164 144 Green 16 216 99 68 Red 32 214 85 50 Red 16 152 104 185 Purple 32 137 89 171 Purple 16 It would be just couple clicks for the fill and stroke, wouldn't take too long. I've started changing the colors to those... we'll see how they turn out later today. And yes, CC-BY is the intended license, only reason for the CC-BY-NC is because that's for my Help pages and Hugo adds the shared footer to the svg list since it's so much easier to use Hugo to parse the directory for .svg. I'm just too lazy to change the .html file that it spits out.
  16. Inkscape could be better with its Trace bitmap feature?
  17. Random guess, try if turning off Alienware Sound Center could help?
  18. Run Windows Update and make sure you have all available updates installed?
  19. Not a memory problem, just a good old bug, especially since it triggers with a +1 pixel change. paint.net has had a bunch of bugs for really large dimensions, in the 30000+ variety once in a while and Rick fixes them as they come up.
  20. If I create a 49000x4600 image and just open Rotate / Zoom, same thing happens, everything is transparent. Playing around with roll or pan, nothing seems to happen. Okay… it seems to happen at a specific resolution? Works fine at 46092, broken at 46093. @Rick Brewster Edit: It also has something to do with vertical resolution. 46093x4787 works just fine but 46093x4788 doesn't.
  21. Irfanview It has a basic paint functions and that CCITT Fax 4 comes up as CCITT T.6 in file properties. It even has a batch processor that is extremely comprehensive.
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