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About Loriblackdog

  • Birthday May 2

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  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    woodworking, painting,gardening, Growing Tomatoes, crocheting, doing sudko puzzles, FOOTBALL....Miami

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  1. Is there any written tutorials for making 3d text, adding textures and blurs?  I learn by doing and it is very hard to do watching a video.?  I am trying to learn and would appreciate any help you can send my way


    Thank you


  2. Hi Barbie, I love your tutorial, only one thing what font did you use? You might want to include that. I found a font I liked, but really loved the font you used. Please let me know the name of it. Keep up the good tutorials. I am just learning and your a big help. Thanks Loriblackdog
  3. Hi Dipstick, I love how you did that as an svg. Do you think you can upload it? Or show me the steps you did to make that??? I am just beginning and could use any help you send my way. Thank you Loriblackdog
  4. Help, I don't know how to make picture smaller??




  5. Hi Pixey, Thank you so much....that is what I am looking for is to learn how to make into steps, create layers save and be able to move around. I really liked your suggestions. Thank you Loriblackdog
  6. Hi, I am new and just starting, I was glad to see it written in detail on the steps you take to create your projects. Thank you and I am sure I will be asking a lot of questions. Thanks to all Loriblackdog
  7. Hi All My name is Lori and I am wanting to trace an image so that I can upload into my carvewright cnc machine. I watched Justin's video on the tools, but when I click the line tool and try to start tracing nothing happens. I am enclosing the image I would like to trace. I would greatly appreciate any help in this matter. Is there other tutorials that I can watch? Again thank you for your help. Loriblackdog
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