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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. This has been fixed in v4.1 (thanks toe_head2001 for tracking down the bug and squashing it!) Closing.
  2. Back in 2013, Microsoft released an update for Windows 7 called "Platform Update". It contains a Direct2D library which is required for Paint.NET v4.1. You can download it here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2670838/platform-update-for-windows-7-sp1-and-windows-server-2008-r2-sp1 Hope this helps!
  3. CodeLab 4.0 Released This is only for Paint.NET 4.1+! Big update today... Changes: ▪ Editor has tabs and can edit more than one file at a time. (toe_head2001) ▪ Generate VS Project function on Build screen. (toe_head2001) ▪ Separate Save and Save As functions. (toe_head2001) ▪ The autocomplete function now does matching initials. (toe_head2001) ▪ Indicator Map (Ctrl+M) now integrated with scroll bar. (toe_head2001) ▪ Building to DLL now saves to Desktop in a ZIP file all ready for posting. (BoltBait) ▪ Install.BAT files now work for both the Classic and Store versions of PdN. (BoltBait) ▪ Colorwheel control now has Alpha style option. (BoltBait) ▪ Colorwheel control reset button can now be hidden. (BoltBait) ▪ Filename control added. (BoltBait) ▪ File>New templates have a "non-looping" style for GDI+ plugins. (BoltBait) Grab the CodeLab DLL here: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/ Screenshot(s): Check out this new UI feature, tabs: Indicator Map scrollbar How to access the new Colorwheel with Alpha: How to generate a script for using GDI+ commands: Example Scripts: Here is a CodeLab script for using the new FilenameControl: Here is an example GDI+ script: Questions and Answers: "Building to DLL now saves to Desktop in a ZIP file." Why would you do that?! "Matching of Initials in the AutoComplete box filter." What's that?!
  4. CodeLab v4.0 to support this new build of Paint.NET has been released: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/880-codelab-v40-for-advanced-users-released-september-5-2018/?do=findComment&comment=548600 Enjoy.
  5. It depends. Here's the thing... different parts of Paint.NET are defined in different DLL's. The ColorBalance lesson didn't need a blending operation, so it didn't need PaintDotNet.Data (which is where Paint.NET has implemented all of the blending operations). It doesn't hurt to have it added to the references. In fact, the new Create VS Project function of CodeLab 4.0 always adds ALL of the DLL's, just in case you need them later.
  6. This will GREATLY simplify Tutorial 5 once CodeLab 4.0 ships.
  7. I think you're missing a reference. Add another reference to your project, click the "Browse" tab. Browse over to the "C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\" folder. Select the file "PaintDotNet.Data.DLL". Click OK. You added references for Base, Core, and Effects. You just forgot Data.
  8. Show me. Nevermind. I'm able to reproduce the problem. Thanks for the bug report! ...Now, let's see if I can fix it. EDIT: Yup, CodeLab is generating the wrong code. Fix should be easy. EDITEDIT: Fix posted.
  9. Install my plugin pack. There are some plugins in there that will help you. Once you have that done, come back here and show us what you want to do and someone will help you.
  10. Why did we do this?! Well, now that we have live preview in CodeLab itself, there really isn't as much of a need to "build to dll, install dll, run Paint.NET" to test your plugin. AND, people keep posting zipped DLL files to the forum without including the install.bat file that goes with them. So... I thought it would be convenient to just prepare the zip file for you. This way, it is all ready for you to post to the forum. PLUS, the new install.bat file that is built for you supports both the Classic version and the Store version of Paint.NET.
  11. First post updated with the Beta 2 build of CodeLab. See above for a list of new features.
  12. Post your crash log here and someone will try and help you.
  13. Well, show us an example of what you want.
  14. Rick, Your version of vcomp140.dll is: 14.15.26706.0 (c)2017 His version of vcomp140.dll is: 14.0.24212.0 (c)2015 Has he done all his Windows Updates?
  15. Typically a watermark is there to prevent someone from using an image without paying for it. So, I suggest paying for the image. When you do that, the company will send you a copy without the watermark.
  16. There's your problem. Rick never said to click ENTER. You need to type "Edit group Policy" and then click on the "Edit group policy" in the best match portion of the menu. As shown in his screenshot:
  17. Both PNG and BMP can store 24-bit lossless images, however... PNG also has an alpha channel, so it stores transparency AND the PNG format is compressed so it takes up less space on your drive.
  18. No longer a rumor: https://forums.getpaint.net/forum/45-preview-center/ Paint.NET v4.1 has a Colorwheel control with an alpha slider available to Plugin Developers. CodeLab v4.0+ has support for these new Colorwheel controls.
  19. To the Plugin Authors: I've wanted some new "toys" for us plugin authors for a long time. In fact, I've been asking Rick to give us plugin authors some attention for YEARS. I'm assuming he got sick of me pestering him and so he gave me and toe_head2001 access to the official source code repository and suggested that we make the enhancements ourselves! Well... we jumped in with both feet. I can tell you--this is not an easy thing. The Paint.NET source code is a HUGE and complicated beast. But, we managed to figure out (with Rick's help) where to make some enhancements. Now, toe_head2001 and I have updated CodeLab to support these new toys. Check it out here: CodeLab 4.0 Beta for Paint.NET 4.1: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/113154-codelab-40-for-the-new-paintnet-41/
  20. @mitsune, try following these instructions (begin at step 4): https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/110411-common-install-uninstall-crash-problems-and-solutions/
  21. On the File > New (Templates) screen, you can now choose a looping style of "None". This will generate a script like this: // Name: GDI+ Example // Author: BoltBait #region UICode #endregion // Working surface Surface wrk = null; // Setup for using Normal blend op private BinaryPixelOp normalOp = LayerBlendModeUtil.CreateCompositionOp(LayerBlendMode.Normal); protected override void OnDispose(bool disposing) { // Release any surfaces or effects you've created. if (wrk != null) wrk.Dispose(); wrk = null; base.OnDispose(disposing); } void PreRender(Surface dst, Surface src) { if (wrk == null) { wrk = new Surface(src.Size); } wrk.Clear(ColorBgra.Transparent); } // Here is the main render loop function void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { using (Graphics g = new RenderArgs(wrk).Graphics) using (Region gClipRegion = new Region(rect)) using (Pen pen = new Pen(ColorBgra.Black, 1)) using (GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath()) using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(ColorBgra.Black)) using (Font font = new Font("Arial", 12)) { g.Clip = gClipRegion; g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias; pen.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round; // add additional GDI+ commands here } normalOp.Apply(dst, src, wrk, rect); } Notice that there are no loops in the Render method. In the Render method, CodeLab generates several "using" blocks. Just delete the ones you won't be using yourself. You'll probably want to modify the remaining "using" statements with user controls to make the various colors and sizes adjustable in your plugin. Finally, you can add additional GDI+ commands to render text, lines, and shapes to the wrk canvas which will then be combined with the source canvas to create your result.
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