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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. You mean, if the install_xxx.bat file already exists, it won't write a new one? Or, are you saying that if ANY bat file exists on the desktop then the install_xxx.bat file won't be written?
  2. Glad I could help. You may want to change the start position to CenterParent instead of CenterScreen. Thanks for the code. If I ever touch that plugin again I'll fix it up as you suggest.
  3. I have a plugin that I think does what you want. Try using my Effects > Steganography > Encode from file: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/4786- When you click the browse button and choose a file, a progress bar shows. Is that what you want? If so, here's what the code looks like: public static Bitmap Process(Bitmap image) { using (Form form = new Form()) { // Show a popup loading bar because processing is sooooo slow. form.Text = "Loading image..."; form.AutoSize = true; form.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink; form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow; form.ShowInTaskbar = false; form.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; ProgressBar progress = new ProgressBar(); progress.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(5, 5); progress.Width = 252; progress.Minimum = 0; progress.Value = 0; progress.Maximum = image.Height + 1; form.Controls.Add(progress); form.Show(); Bitmap resultBitmap = new Bitmap(image.Width, image.Height); for (int y = 0; y < image.Height; y++) { progress.Value = y + 1; // update the progress bar for (int x = 0; x < image.Width; x++) { // Do your processing here, etc. } } form.Close(); // hide progress bar return resultBitmap; } }
  4. What you have done is SELECT an ellipse. If you want to DRAW an ellipse, you'll need to use the shape drawing tool: BTW, selections are handy if you want to limit Adjustments and Effects to a partial area of your working canvas.
  5. What version of Windows are you using?
  6. No, sorry, this is not possible. Effects can only work on a single layer at a time. However, you can apply an effect to a single layer, then select another layer and press Ctrl-F to repeat the effect with the same settings. Do that for each layer.
  7. Click that details button and show us the details too. Thanks!
  8. I just added Inner Shadow Selection to my plugin pack: The only place to get it is in my plugin pack: BoltBait's Plugin Pack
  9. I just added a similar plugin to my plugin pack. Only this one bases the shadow on the selection outline (Marching Ants). The only place to get it is in my plugin pack. Enjoy.
  10. Is that supposed to say "Prehistory"? Because it looks like "Prehistorn" to me.
  11. The plugin you used was not mine.
  12. Turns out that was a lie. I have a solution to that problem. I'll post a fix tonight. I'll post a version for 3.5.11 tonight.
  13. I compiled it against 4.0. So it should work on 4.0+. It contains certain features that are only supported on 4.0, so that's the reason. I posted the source, so you can try to change it to work on 3.5.11 if you like.
  14. If only there was a plugin to... uh... feather those edges. I'm afraid that this is just something you'll have to learn to live with. There is no easy way to calculate a proper edge alpha.
  15. OK, so all 32 people that downloaded the first version, time to upgrade! Updates: -The first 2 controls in the UI take some time to calculate, same as before. -The other controls in the UI are MUCH faster. Please test the hell out of it. If it looks good, I'll add it to my plugin pack. Wut? Well, if you change either Angle or Distance the calculations are done in a single thread... so it is slow. If you change the other controls the calculations are done in multiple threads... so the calculations are faster. This is a change from the first version where ALL the calculations were done in a single thread.
  16. You may want to consider using my Effects > Render > Polygon / Stars plugin to render your concentric circles. Just set the Verticies to 100, Star depth to 0, and adjust the size, color, and line width to taste. Build the rings from outside in.
  17. Coming from the Plugin of the Year Author, you're making me blush. Thanks. Nice pics everyone! Glad you like it. I'm going to try to speed it up before I put it into my plugin pack.
  18. I was trying to simulate what it would look like if you cut the letters out of your screen. Stock thanks to GIS. Here's another:
  19. Just testing out my latest plugin... http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/31464-
  20. OK. I cleaned it up, added the requested features, and published here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/31464- Source code included.
  21. As requested here... https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/31461-plugin-request-inner-drop-shadow/ Object Inner Shadow Plugin Download here for latest version: https://forums.getpaint.net/BoltBaitPluginPack Download here for Paint.NET 3.5.11: InnerShadow3511.zip I'll edit in a nice description of this later when I'm not so tired. You all know what to do. For the curious... (This does NOT work in CodeLab, sorry): History: v1.0 - Initial Release v2.0 - Speed up rendering for all but the first two controls v3.0 - Corrected "keep only shadow" alpha calculation
  22. Thanks! I'll try to match it the best I can. (You'd think that because I'm a mod that I would download and use every single plugin out there... but, I don't.) I hope you don't mind, but I added your sample image to the Drop Shadow Plugin Pack thread--just in case someone else needs to see it.
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