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Everything posted by IRON67

  1. Here I am again. What I didn't know is this: Should your plate (black with violet cross) fit on the speedometer with the round edges of the cross or with the black edge of the picture? Beside this your image is a little bit to small and the edges of the cross are not good looking. You need a bigger version. A resizing will produce a very blurred image. I'm in fact a little bit tired after doing two shootings in two days. If you are patient enough, I can rebuild the cross tomorrow or so.
  2. To see all layers in the layer window at once you have to press F7, not Layer Properties. And yes - I haven't added your new background because I wasn't sure about exact dimensions and trancparency, so it's your turn to add this layer and delete the unneccessary one. BTW: In the next few hours and probably days I will not be active here so much because I have to handle two Photo Shootings and to sighting the results.
  3. Well ... I sit here in Berlin and can't SEE, how your Desktop looks like. First: You must mark a layer before you can duplicate. Mark means clicking on the NAME of the layer, NOT in the checkbox beside. The checkbox is for toggling the visibility of this layer. Here I have a little help maybe for you: a PDN layer file with 3 layers: the cutted original, 4 Lamps only and black edged 6 Holes. http://workupload.com/file/9Iv9vTZT And don't forget: You have to sort the layers in the right sequence: lowermost the background image, then (upper) the numbers and so on.
  4. If I remember correctly, he said, that Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Thanks for feedback.
  5. Me too. I was 26 when I had my first encounter with the Internet. As said before: Use the magic wand tool to mark all black pixels, delete this selection and make the parts transparent. Save it as PNG (because PNG supports Alpha-Channel and transparency). Or use a plugin that makes that for you like "Brightness/ Darkness to Alpha" by Mike Ryan. Take out there the mark in the Checkbox so White stay white and Black will be transparent. This tip you had been get in my first answer, if you had described your problem accurately. And I would have a penalty point less for "rudeness".
  6. No. Wrong way. I've said "in the installation directory", so the path should normally be: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET4. There is a program Pdnrepair.exe and you have to start it. You can also click on START in the taskbar and type in the search field pdnrepair.exe. It should appear in the list and you can click it.
  7. Try to repair PDN with PDNrepair.exe in the Installation directory.
  8. http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/KeyboardMouseCommands.html
  9. I like to help and also detail help if the author reveals a minimum level of co-operation and consideration or if the issue is so complex that it can not be answered with three sentences.This was not the case here. The question was very vague, without precedent and without apparent own contribution. If I acquire my knowledge in this way, I would have to practice for the DOS prompt today. Calling a related note "rude" is exaggerated. If I'm rude (which rarely happens), then it is recognizable beyond any doubt. EOD
  10. Who would search this strange way? Why there are keywords? I am now over 20 years active on the Internet and there were times when it really was not so easy to find information quickly. But today, it should be reasonable even for a novice to use internal search functions and common sense. There must be allowed to point out, without being immediately criticized.
  11. I know. And you are so lazy. Here the most obvious candidates (there's a reason, why you can find descriptions of the plugins in Plugin Packs and Plugin Index) http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=106104 http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=32423 http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=10729 http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=7767 ...not to mention the use of the magic wand tool in the flood mode Global
  12. Yes. And there's soooo many ways that you possible should first use the search function of this board.
  13. Well, Paint.net isn't a wordprocessor.
  14. I see two variants. #1: You have a single image with an animal and it should appear like a ghost on the same image. My steps: cloning the background layer with the original image (for safety), later deleting the original layer after step #3 in the new layer using Clone Stamp to completely overpaint the animal with the landscape behind copying the animal from original layer in an new layer on top and erasing all remnant pieces of landscape around the body maybe adjusting color of the animal adusting Blending Mode (in my case: Addition) and Opacity of the "Animal"-Layer so that the landscape from underlying layer becomes visible through the body merging the layers, saving image #2: You want copy an animal from one image to another. same procedure without cloning the layer and overpainting, instead only copying the isolated animal in a new layer of the other image The only plugin you possibly need is one for feather/smoothing the edges of the isolated / cutted animal. You could use "Tweak Transparency V2" (from Red ochre) with "edge color" and "middle color" on "source", "blur radius" <10 and "Min" ~100 LOL. You don't need to pay for anything here except to pay time for training.
  15. There is no "best" format. Each one has advantages and disadvantages. JPEG has no transparency and a lossy compression method but can shrink the filesize. GIF has a limited color palette and only yes/no-transparency, PNG has an Alpha-Channel for variable transparency and so on. 448 kB isn't a large file. Thats all relative and depends on the purpose and software limitations. Images of a 16 Megapixel DSLR like my Canon 60D with 5184 x 3456 pixels as a JPG has filesizes of ~ 5-10 MB. I save my own creations always as PNG to avoid quality loss. Pictures for the web are in most case JPG, sometimes GIF (espacilly the animated versions), PNG too, but wasting memory space on webservers, if not very small.
  16. You're kidding Some words and formulations are stumbling through my old brain and Google Translator does the rest.
  17. Yeah, sure. If you have a name of the figure or the artist, its very easy. Or you try it with keywords like "death on a horse". If not (like me), you have to bring it in a meaningful form, so you are able to upload it to Google Image Search (click on the camera icon), so that Google can show you similar images of the image. Then you can download a bigger matching version, search again an find the biggest available version. So I did and here it is: http://images.forwallpaper.com/files/images/4/43eb/43eb2ade/803961/autumn-background-welshdragon-vigilante-wallpaper-desktop.jpg Now you can cut out and adjust color. BTW: I have told you that (Spoked Wheel) before, only without link, because searching a named plugin here is very easy. So how old are you? I'm 49.
  18. Yes. Ed Harveys "Extract Channel" or "Extract Color"
  19. Use magic wand tool, Flood method GLOBAL, Tolerance 0-5% (test it out) and click on a pixel to select all other pixels in the same color. Some Color-Plugins do the same without extra selection and you can then change the color.
  20. ~5 minutes. I used a scaled version of your image only for adjusting the red help-lines (using plugin "Spoked Wheel") as a background layer an then deleted this layer I don't understand what you mean. Right. On what planet the people speak that unknown language? My language is German. Sure. And once again: EVERY tool, every action of editing is at a pixel level. You create an image of thousands of pixels. Therefore you lost information, if you scale down and the image blurs if you scale up. If you don't want this, you have to create a vector graphic (SVG). I wouldn't do this. Its easier to create it completely new with new color gradients and all. Maybe you search for the original background image with Google Images and use a big version to cut out the relevant piece.
  21. Well, it seems that you really new in doing image editing. Of course you CAN'T edit text (or numbers) after applying to a layer like in a wordprocessor! Paint.net is an image editing software! You edit PIXELS, not chars. A new bobbed wire you could create with the line tool in some single steps. First you have to create a layer with a circle as a temporary "help- or orientation layer", then you put in another layer a line for the first wire and bring it in a winding form and a second layer for the second wire. You can add 3D-like effect for both by applying one of the bevel effects (built-in or as a plugin) and doing the same for spikes on the wires. My fast example: BTW: All tools work accurate. Maybe you should invest a minimum of time for understanding the software and reading the help instead of use multiple exclamation marks. In the meantime I've created a more accurate version as a PDN-file. It looks like this: You can download it here: http://workupload.com/file/RUHuY3WN
  22. Sure you can. But I hope, your original images has a better/bigger resolution/dimension. First you have to select the red numbers by the magic wand tool with Flood Mode: global and a tolerance of ~45% (try it out). In case of selecting wrong pixels, you can subtract these with another selection (rectangle or Lasso). Then you have to copy this and paste it into a new layer or a new image for further editing Maybe its better anyway to search the right font an make the numbers completely new.
  23. Eraser, Paintbrush, Recolor and Clone Stamp has a round shape. You can't change that.
  24. Paint.net isn't a wordprocessor. While you input text, you can change the orientation in the menubar above (Align left, Center Align, Align right). An always finished text you can handle like any other object. Theres a plugin for orientation called Object Align by Kris Vandermotten.
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