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Everything posted by TechnoRobbo

  1. .No, I don't think it's your processor. Strange attractors are a subset of a set of chaotic numbers. It takes 20 million iterations to see a pattern (if one actually exists) Some patterns may take millions more iterations(than exists in the plugin) to appear and some settings will yield no pattern. Just a 1 or 2 notch adjustment can create or destroy a pattern. I do have a plan to accelerate the plugin and add more iterations - keep a lookout for the next version of this plugin.
  2. I don't think it's your processor. The strange attractors are are a subset of a chaotic number set that find their own niche and are unpredictable. In order to actually see a result the code goes through 20 million iterations - even then there might not be enough repetition to reveal a pattern (if any exist). Sometimes moving a slider 1 or 2 notches is enough to cause a pattern to appear or disappear. When they do appear , it's amazing, when they don't you move on. I do have an idea on how to speed up the process look for an update in the future.
  3. Thanks Ego , I started out with randomized buttons but the odds of accidentally hitting a combination that creates an attractor wasn't very good. That doesn't mean I won't add that button, maybe I should with a caveat. So far this was constructed in Code-Lab in order to have random buttons I have to migrate to VS, which is OK since I was going to do that to add keywords and a preview image anyways. Color Pickers are completely do-able and a good Idea. Thanks Red, I just checked out Chaoscope(thanks again), I'll have to add more chaos algorithms in the future.
  4. TechnoRobbo's Strange Attractors A Mathematical Curiosity Strange Attractors are the perfect storm born out of chaos. Where randomness comes together to create order. "When the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future." -Edward Lorenz http://mathworld.wolfram.com/StrangeAttractor.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attractor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_theory Menu: Effects-> Render Play with the sliders and wait for the 20 Million points to render. Not all settings will render an image. This phenomena is virtually unpredictable so it's all trial and error. Trackbars can be fine tuned with arrow keys. Updates Version 1.1.4 fixes a timing conflict with The Plugin browser [hide][/hide] Version 1.1.3 Add Algorithm G ,tweaks Algorithm F and enables Color Wheel Transparency Version 1.1.2 fixes re-entry bug in 1.1.1 Version 1.1.1 adds Color Curves Version 1.1.0 adds 2 new complex algorithms and form transparency Version 1.0.9 adds to new color schemes B&W and W&B Version 1.08 Introduces Auto - Redo to insure a useable render everytime Turn Off Auto-Redo to do manual settings 4th Algorithm Added ----- Version 1.0.7 null object bug fix Version 1.0.6 Instant color variations!!!! Version 1.0.5 2 more chaos algorithms, Transparency Mode added. Version 1.0.4 Fixes a loss of focus bug Version 1.0.3 fixes a multiple events bug v1.0.2 adds Randomizer Button Update v1.01 adds progress bar and custom colors, density adjustment music by technorobbo Some images below merge 2 layers using the Screen Blending Mode. . The Plug-In TRsStrangeAttractor.zip The VS Source Code for Programmers https://www.dropbox.com/s/0ddf6znlqunuqy3/TRsStrangeAttractorSrc.zip?dl=0 How it Works Trigonometric and exponential functions are randomly set in motion to recursively change the location of a point. The point is free to wander a 2 dimensional plane as the progam captures a time-lapse image of the process. Sometimes the results are unuseable but sometimes beautiful patterns start appearing. These are the Strange Attractors.
  5. A full 360 is currently not possible in PDN. The -/+ 180 is a programming convention dating back to fortran (old programming language) and is consistent with longitude and latitude. The standard coordinates have 0° as the horizon, 90° the Zenith (highest elevation) and -90° as the Nadir (lowest elevation). The clock-like clockwise isn't standard and I doubt that there is enough of a need to warrant a code re-write.
  6. TechnoRobbo's SelfEeZ v1.0.2 WebCam Capture Update v1.0.2 Self Timer Added v1.0.1 fixes multi camera selection Captures Images from a webcam directly into Paint.net. (FYI - XP webcams may not work on Windows 7) Menu: Effects->Photo The Plugin TRsSelfeez.zip
  7. Long Live Palm-Mutes and Power Chords

  8. make your own as set it up as the bottom layer - hide when you save
  9. Like all your Plugins - Lot's of fun to play with.
  10. This is so cool. Brilliant! Breathtaking! "Dwarves"
  11. Nick, These are all really good suggestion - presently I'm in the middle of 2 other plugin projects ,but I will be sure to revisit this one in the future.
  12. Maybe if us plugin writers added some sort of keyword tags to our post then searching for a plugin may be easier. The vanity name may be to vague and a technical name maybe to confusing (and geeky).
  13. nah, doesn't help. It's still like hanging dogs playing poker at the Louvre
  14. If you like this you should try SquirkleWarp - Red set the bar with that one.
  15. try drag and drop -it works (click and drag into PDN from windows explorer)
  16. Try zooming in with the slider or CTRL + Mouse wheel - the more zoomed in the better the mouse resolution. Once you are zoomed in you can use the Mouse Wheel and Shift+Mouse Wheel to pan around the image (alternative panning method is the sliders on the bottom and side, but not as cool). You also decrease the mouse sensitivity in the control panel but accuracy usually has to do with visual acuity. When I'm soldering electronics, doubling up on my reading glasses steadies my hand 300%.
  17. Demonolous TR's PasteWarp, TR's GlassVignette, TR''s EFX & TR's Bokeh
  18. Honestly , I think that bean is weird. A city with architecture by Mies van der Rohe ,Frank LLoyd Wright and the Columbian Exposition legacy has a bean? Many thanks to david. pixey , doughty, lloyd, treveroutla and especially to Mottoman for the turkey homage. Red has pointed out that Alpha channel should be taken into consideration and I agree. I will publish have published an Alpha-friendly revision - Thanks Red (reps from me)
  19. you can move the round a handle manually to suit your image. Try applying TR's EFX (Edge Fader Extreme) or another feather program to blend the image with the background.
  20. EER - Thanks -the code is actually some unused routines from developing PasteWarp. It takes a warped mind to make a warped plugin. CC4FH,DD and Seerose - Thank you, your kind. Nice examples too. DD -It does look liike Darth Vader. I should have published it on May the 4th not May the 5th. May the 4th be with you. (OK, OK, I sense a disturbance in the force, like millions of voices groaning over a bad joke).
  21. TechnoRobbo's Glass Vignette v1.1 A Refraction-like distortion with an un-distorted center. v1.1 - Alpha-friendly Menu: Effect -> Distort Source Code Hidden Content: // Submenu: Distort // Name: TR's Glass Vignette // Title: TR's Glass Vignette // Author: TechnoRobbo // URL: http://www.technorobbo.com #region UICode double Amount1 = 0.761; // [0.001,1] Refraction Pair<double, double> Amount2 = Pair.Create( 0.0 , 0.0 ); // Control Description double Amount3 = 1.01; // [1.01,1.2] Chromatic Aberration double Amount4 = 1; // [1,100] Zoom #endregion void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { // Delete any of these lines you don't need Rectangle selection = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds).GetBoundsInt(); int CenterX = ((selection.Right - selection.Left) / 2)+selection.Left; int CenterY = ((selection.Bottom - selection.Top) / 2)+selection.Top; double aberate = (Amount1 - .001)/.999; aberate = 1 * aberate + Amount3 * (1-aberate); aberate *= aberate; Surface tmp = src.Clone(); tmp.Clear(ColorBgra.Transparent); tmp.CopySurface(src,new System.Drawing.Point((int)(-Amount2.First * CenterX), (int)(-Amount2.Second * CenterY))); double CenterMax =Math.Sqrt(CenterX * CenterX + CenterY * CenterY); double zoom =(101 - Amount4)/100; for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) { if (IsCancelRequested) return; for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++) { double maxx =(x-CenterX); double maxy =(y-CenterY); double far = Math.Sqrt(maxx * maxx + maxy * maxy ); double rad = Math.Atan2(maxy ,maxx + .0001 ); double effect = far/CenterMax; double refractR = Math.Pow(far,Amount1) * aberate ; double refractB = Math.Pow(far,Amount1); double offxS = Math.Cos(rad) * far * zoom + CenterX; double offxR = Math.Cos(rad) * refractR * zoom + CenterX; double offxB = Math.Cos(rad) * refractB * zoom + CenterX; double offyS = Math.Sin(rad) * far * zoom + CenterY; double offyR = Math.Sin(rad) * refractR * zoom + CenterY; double offyB = Math.Sin(rad) * refractB * zoom + CenterY; offxR = offxS * (1- effect) + offxR * effect; offyR = offyS * (1- effect) + offyR * effect; offxB = offxS * (1- effect) + offxB * effect; offyB = offyS * (1- effect) + offyB * effect; ColorBgra CPR = tmp.GetBilinearSample((float)offxR,(float)offyR); ColorBgra CPB = tmp.GetBilinearSample((float)offxB,(float)offyB); ColorBgra CP = ColorBgra.FromBgra(CPB.B,(byte)((CPR.G + CPB.G)/2),CPR.R,(byte)((CPR.A + CPB.A)/2)); dst[x,y] = CP; } } tmp.Dispose(); } TRsGlassVignette.zip
  22. I never worked on a team fortress texture but it appears the man in the video is defining a targa image as an specular environment map in the text file. Then he's taking the original image and tinting it and simply erasing the parts that are not suppose to shine and saving this image as the specular environment map which is a completely different file from the original texture. In short - for the texture to shine you have to copy the texture and save it as a separate texture. define it as an specular environment map in the config file. edit the environment map by making the parts in the specular environment map that aren't suppose to shine transparent by erasing and making the shiny parts brighter. save as the specular environment map - not the texture the shine will be created by the specular shaders in the graphics engine. Looks like he's using a pre-existing item as the template. POST EDIT: I found a reference http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=73559 The only plugin that may help you here is BoltBait's PasteAlpha She was trying to help
  23. Here's a really easy way. Click on "more reply options" Attach a file Click on "Add to Post" and the thumbnail can be placed anywhere you select. It's a smaller thumbnail than the thumbnail method but it doesn't require a second internet location. If you do this a lot it may use up whatever quota the board imposes on you (10 megs?) fast.
  24. System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath gp =new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath(); Check out my TR's CloudControl Source Code
  25. I see Bokeh, Star Filter and lens flares. I have a simulation for Bokeh and my GlamourShot is a star diffusion simulation. I do not have a lens flare but it does exist check the plugins index possibly Madjiks pack
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