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Everything posted by TechnoRobbo

  1. I checked out your files and noticed that every duplicate columns started at row 1 and was exactly 26 pixels in height. Couldn't be a coincidence , something was hidden. I checked out your layers and found this. I filled in your transparency with the color white and the double columns disappeared.
  2. Ego, you are correct, but I think different users may be logging into the same machine, so different document folders are used, so in his case that may be a common location.
  3. Since it's a plugin I can't erase the original I can move the config file - no problem I can't query the original file name but I can add a textbox so the user can assign it a name .This would require extra error trapping in the code so I need time to debug.
  4. We all do it noob. Heather the columns should duplicate since it's not one contiguous image. Unless you meant something else.
  5. I added 2 pixels to pixel size under the Canvas Size Dialog to add a white border to the image you can send the file to this temporary account: heather@technorobbo.com I'll delete it when I receive the file.
  6. This should do exactly what you want <Plugin in newer post> Edit the config file withe notepad if the directory path for Krpano is incorrect. If you upgrade Krpano update this file. The Output Image will appear in your Documents Folder named 360_sphere.tif
  7. I'm sorry I've been extremely busy. I'll have a look. pixelcounter relies on white bordering the image - Go to the image menu - select canvas size, add 2 pixels to the height and width, anchor in the middle and everything will workout fine.
  8. Skull, DistortThis!, especially 2.6.3 aspires to be a plugin like PS's Vanishing Point (NiteNurse set me on that path). I can try and make a multi-point option, I just have to get that math stuff down. Do you mean more perimeter control points,pulling in all directions? Version 2.6.3 is ready for download
  9. DistortThis! 2.6.3 Pre-release Forced Perspective works by assuming that the short edge of the target polygon is closer to the vanishing point and the longer edge is closer to the viewer. Sometimes this may not be the case so 2.6.3 introduces the ability to adjust the amount of forced perspective to compensate.. Photo by Dan Petreikis http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Night_Street_with_Stoplights.JPG I'm still bug hunting so it may be week or so before I post it as a full release. DistortThis.zip
  10. Version 3.0.2 Update posted - new mask leave old masks intact so you can create complex transparencies
  11. DistortThis! 2.6 Prerelease New "Work Area" Feature lets you select only a part of the image to distort Download in first post!!
  12. Dust Bunnies make great pets

  13. TechnoRobbo's Reverse Fisheye v1.0 Removes or reduces the fisheye distortion to produce a panoramic image. This plugin was developed while assisting another user. It got some reps and downloads so I decided to publish it. There were 2 algorithms I developed - Linear and Circular. Which one you use is up to you. Image Attributions: Jimee at en.wikipedia Cezary Piwowarski National Aeronautics and Space Administration The Codelab Source Code (for programmers) Hidden Content: // Submenu: Distort // Name: TR's ReverseFishEye // Title: TR's ReverseFishEye - v1.0 // Author: TechnoRobbo // URL: http://www.technorobbo.com #region UICode byte Amount1 = 0; // [1] Reverse Type|Linear|Circular #endregion void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { Rectangle selection = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds).GetBoundsInt(); double CenterX = ((selection.Right - selection.Left) / 2)+selection.Left; double CenterY= ((selection.Bottom - selection.Top) / 2)+selection.Top; double offx ,offy ,u, v; ColorBgra CurrentPixel; if (Amount1==1){ for (float y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) { for (float x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++) { //find direction and distance u = (x - CenterX ) / CenterX ; v = (y - CenterY ) / CenterY ; double wide = Math.Sqrt(1 - v * v); wide = wide * u * CenterX ; offx =wide + CenterX; offy =y; CurrentPixel = src.GetBilinearSample((float)offx,(float)offy); dst[(int)x,(int)y]=CurrentPixel; } } }else{ for (float y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) { for (float x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x+=.5f) { //find direction and distance double maxradx = x-CenterX ; double maxrady = y-CenterY; double howfar = Math.Sqrt(maxradx * maxradx + maxrady * maxrady); double dirz = Math.Atan2(maxrady,maxradx); double mymax = maxradx * Math.Tan(dirz); double maxfar = Math.Sqrt(CenterX * CenterX + mymax * mymax); double normal = howfar/maxfar; offx = (float)(CenterX + Math.Cos(dirz) * CenterX * normal); offy = (float)(CenterY + Math.Sin(dirz) * CenterY * normal); CurrentPixel = src.GetBilinearSample((float)offx,(float)offy); dst[(int)x,(int)y]=CurrentPixel; } } } } The Plugin ReverseFisheye.zip PDN 3.5 version ReverseFisheye35.zip
  14. I have done research and lot's and lot's code writing and have come to this conclusion. The 360° has been rendered incorrectly. If you create the 360° Fisheye Image with the table top in the center then you can use Illnab's Polar to Rect Plugin to create an image that Krpano will happily convert to a tour. (Plugin Settings:Angular Offset 0, Radial Scaling 100, then resize results to double the width.) You can get the plugin here Illnabs1024 Plugin Pack When you process the image it will look like this - https://www.dropbox.com/s/31zik8zhse27cwb/target-afterTransformation.jpg?raw=1 Notice the table's in the Center. If you can produce the fisheye with the table in the center then the image will appear normal with the table at the bottom. Second Solution: Krpano has a drag-n-drop tool (Convert SPHERE to CUBE droplet) that can convert the spherical image made by the PDN, into individual images that can be rotated and renamed (the key is l for left, r for right, b for back, f for front ,u for up d for down.). This requires a few steps but it should be quick Here's how: The results with PDN is actually a better and more accurate 3D!!!!! Gosh, I guess I can - I'll need to find some public domain fisheye images. I don't own a fisheye lens.
  15. yes that's better - I'll have a shot at reversing a reflective map.
  16. The source image in your first post is probably a reflection (enviroment) map and may not hold enough pixel data at the edges to give good looking results. Is there a different output from p.con that could possibly be used.
  17. I have absolutely no experience with this software but according to this link http://help.pcon-planner.com/en/help/ you may be able to generate your image directly from pcon in the Media Maker section under "Presenting the Design" Also that fisheye looking image appears (in my opinion) to be a 360° "reflection map" used to create the the reflections on the render. Scroll to the bottom of this link and you'll see why I say that. http://www.pauldebevec.com/ReflectionMapping/
  18. Ok, I get it your taken a virtual design planners rendered output (pCon) which is a spherical-type projection, used in a virtual tour for presentations, and trying to convert it into a panorama viewer's (kprano) format which is based on stitched photographs,also a virtual tour but used typically on a webpage. I thought a fish-eye lens was the source, that explains why it didn't conform. These are very specific applications more suited to a 3D app. like Blender I'll research the projections types an see if I come up with something. http://pcon-planner.com/en/gallery.html#c1464 http://krpano.com/examples/vtour/#top
  19. Annotator, After much head scratching and thought experiments I came up with this code: // Submenu: Distort // Name: Reverse Fish Eye // Title: Reverse Fish Eye - v1.0 // Author: TechnoRobbo // URL: http://www.technorobbo.com #region UICode #endregion void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { Rectangle selection = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds).GetBoundsInt(); double CenterX = ((selection.Right - selection.Left) / 2)+selection.Left; double CenterY= ((selection.Bottom - selection.Top) / 2)+selection.Top; float offx =0; float offy =0; ColorBgra CurrentPixel; for (float y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) { for (float x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x+=.5f) { //find direction and distance double maxradx = x-CenterX ; double maxrady = y-CenterY; double howfar = Math.Sqrt(maxradx * maxradx + maxrady * maxrady); double dirz = Math.Atan2(maxrady,maxradx); double mymax = maxradx * Math.Tan(dirz); double maxfar = Math.Sqrt(CenterX * CenterX + mymax * mymax); double normal = howfar/maxfar; offx = (float)(CenterX + Math.Cos(dirz) * CenterX * normal); offy = (float)(CenterY + Math.Sin(dirz) * CenterY * normal); CurrentPixel = src.GetBilinearSample(offx,offy); dst[(int)x,(int)y]=CurrentPixel; } } } which takes this image: http://technorobbo.home.comcast.net/unfishtest.png and turns it into this image (I ran the plugin then resized the width): http://technorobbo.home.comcast.net/unfish2.png but it would not transform you samples correctly - I think your sample's fisheye is greater than 180°. the plugin is in PDN 4.0 ReverseFisheye.zip If I can get my son off his computer I can compile it in 3.5 It's in the "Distort" menu called "Reverse Fish Eye"
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