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Reorganising the Forum - Making Tutorials a top level index

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It seems like no firm concensus is ever going to be reached and the forum is going to stay organized as it is.

I have therefore decided to take a slightly different approach - the Paint.NET Wikibook.

You may (or may not) be aware that usedHONDA started a Paint.NET Wikibook project a while back and, with his blessing, I have undertaken the task of compiling a tutorials index page.

I have decided to stick roughly to the list of categories I suggested in the first post of this thread and I am in the process of posting links and information on as many of this forum's tutorials as I can.

There are a few PDN tutorials that have been converted into specific Wikibook pages; but mainly the links in the Tutorial Index will be directly to their forum location.

Over time this tutorial index may be expanded to include tags and possibly 'level of difficulty' ratings for each of the tutorials; but for now I am concentrating on compiling and categorizing the list.



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drakaan, what about add PdN Fanatics url in the Website box of your profile :)

@cjmcguinness: That's hard work! Neat!

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

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Since I don't wanna spam the guy's tut.

http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewt ... 7432#57432

I will post my reply here, since it has something to do with cleaning up the tut section.

Very cold. I liked the tut, but I've seen things that are close enough to it. I think ppl here are a little mean about tuts.

I agree. Enough people are using this, that it shouldn't be an issue. Are we hurting for more storage space? If you think the tutorial is beneath you, don't use it. And especially don't comment on it. But don't alienate a tutorial writer just because it doesn't live up to your standards.

(Now, granted, if they are just saying "Use clouds. Then use twist. And that's how you make a tornado!" we should probably put the kibosh on that. But this is involved and user-friendly. And NOT the same as other tuts, though similar.)

The next tut this poster makes might revolutionize tutorials the way MKT and the Shape3D plugin revolutionized plugins. You never know. And yelling about how "useless" this tut is might turn this poster off from making tuts ever again.

So calm down, and remember - if you don't have any constructive criticism, don't criticize at all.

If you bother to read my posts and my links. You will see I was not trying to be rude.

I always show them the links to other tuts, and tell them good luck, and keep trying.

If you know me from my appx. 7 months here,you should know that I am sometimes lazy or silly but never rude,

that I always give my Honest opinion and try to help everyone, whether they are newbe or vet.

Honest opinion might hurt (to some people) but it does help, if people would just clam down and think.

I would like to think I give constructive criticism, But I guess you don't see it that way. :?

If you remember my 1st tut (Gem V1) someone said some pretty nasty things to me, but did that stop me from writing more? NO.

If I were to write a tut with any ideas that cross my mind or if I have better ways of doing things, then I would be posting/spamming more then 50 tuts already. :lol:

Check out my bullet hole tut, Madjik, SuperV & cjmcguinness each have their own method they’d like to share, do you see them spaming the tut section with 1 tut each?

And the Glass ball tut MiguelPereira did, I posted a glass ball in there and somebody asks me to do another tut, but I didn’t.

Just because you have a better idea/different ways doesn’t mean you have to do a whole new tut on changing or adding just a few steps.

No, we are not hunting for HDD space, we just want to be able to find useful tut/info easier.

How cool would it be if new comers can find “How to cut out imagesâ€


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Good job! Though I wouldn't put a link to everything because some of the tutorials in the forum aren't that great and some of them are almost exact copies of others.

"The greatest thing about the Internet is that you can write anything you want and give it a false source." ~Ezra Pound

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If you bother to read my posts and my links. You will see I was not trying to be rude.

I have read most of your posts and links. The comment was not directed solely to you, simply to the overall problem on the forum of people shooting down otherwise-good tutorials because they are "too simple." But I would like to answer the points you brought up.

...I am sometimes lazy or silly but never rude,

that I always give my Honest opinion and try to help everyone, whether they are newbe or vet.

I'm glad to hear that, but you must understand that the people on the forum cannot hear the inflection in your voice, and so it is much more difficult to come across as intended. While in your mind your comment sounded very kind and helpful, it can read to a new user as a personal attack.

I would like to think I give constructive criticism, But I guess you don't see it that way. :?

I think you give some very constructive criticism, and as a great admirer of your work, I think you are in a uniquely qualified position to give it. You're a PdN wizard, here; I think, were I to rate users on their ability, you would be ranked among those as prolific as MadJik and BoltBait. So I hold your criticism quite valuable. But a new user does not see the contribution you've made to the forum. All a new user knows is that you think their contribution is worthless - even if nothing could be further from the truth.

I've been a Wikipedia editor for a little over a year now, and one of the biggest things I've learned about a shared knowledge community (which I would call this) is that we have to be extra-careful to be nice to new users. Does this mean lying to them? Absolutely not. Does it mean covering up the truth? No. But it does mean that we have to be extra careful, or they won't contribute.

No, we are not hunting for HDD space, we just want to be able to find useful tut/info easier.

How cool would it be if new comers can find “How to cut out imagesâ€


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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