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Combine images vertically

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I'm trying to just paste a bunch of different pictures into one long, thin, picture with each one above the other. How do I do this? Whenever I tried to do resize on an image to make the width match, the canvas size changes, but the entire picture looks the same. Can someone give me step-by-step instructions?

Edited by Ego Eram Reputo
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Hey PotatoBucket!  Welcome to the forum :D 


Here's a couple of links to get you started.  Both these are geared towards side-by-side images, but you should be able to figure it out (hint:  use Height where Width is specified).






I've also edited this thread title to make it descriptive - that's one of our forum rules - it makes finding information on the forum so much easier!


BTW: That's a cool username you have there ;)

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  • toe_head2001 changed the title to Combine images vertically

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