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Is there any way to measure similarity between two images?

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Load the compressed image as new layer above the original  (Layers Menu -> Import from File) and change it's blending mode to XOR (Layers Menu -> Layer Properties -> Blend Mode)


If the two images are identical then you will see a black canvas. If they are not then any differences will appear as strange colors on a black background.

Go out there and be amazing. Have Fun, TR
Some Pretty Pictures Some Cool Plugins

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Load the compressed image as new layer above the original  (Layers Menu -> Import from File) and change it's blending mode to XOR (Layers Menu -> Layer Properties -> Blend Mode)


If the two images are identical then you will see a black canvas. If they are not then any differences will appear as strange colors on a black background.

I knew the xor trick, but is there any way to calculate a number out of it? (Like SSIM)

Edited by yut951121
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You could select the black (i.e. common pixels) then invert the selection to reach a count of dissimilar pixels.

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you can merge the layers  use this code lab code - it will give you difference percentage

0 would be identical , 100 would be completely different


Menu : Colors -> Difference


#region UICode

bool Amount1 = false; // [0,1] Slider 1 Description
void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
    if (!Amount1)
        int totalcount = src.Width * src.Height * 1020;
        int PixelSum = 0;
        ColorBgra CP;
        for (int y = 0; y < src.Height; y++)
            for (int x =0; x < src.Width; x++)
                CP = src[x,y];
                PixelSum  += CP.A;
                PixelSum  += CP.R;
                PixelSum  += CP.G;
                PixelSum  += CP.B;
        double result = (double)PixelSum / (double)totalcount;
        System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show((100 * result).ToString()); 



Go out there and be amazing. Have Fun, TR
Some Pretty Pictures Some Cool Plugins

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