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tut request transparent heart like in pictorium

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It looks like two hearts, a red and white one but he uses an ellipse selection to take out part of the white one...feathered and gradient-ed...?

Close. It was actually all black and white until I changed the blending mode and it took on the color of the layer behind it. Also, (no offense Boltbait) I prefer not to use the feather effect unless I absolutely have to. In this image I did not...

I'm going out with my wife for dinner so I have to go get ready, but I will post some more tomorrow or later tonight if I'm not...um, busy.


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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Heart Shape 2 (with curve):

Image is 800x600 with white background.

Add a layer (empty)

Select line/curve tool.

Draw from 400,160 to 400,560

Right-click on the 2nd nub (from top) and

move it to 210,-100

Right-click on the 3rd nub (from top) and

move it to -220,270

Duplicate layer/Flip layer horiz.. Merge down..

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For my heart shape I drew a circle in the center of my canvas. Then, I cut it in half splitting it onto two layers. I then used the oblique plugin with the following settings:

Left side -

Vertical step: -50

Horizontal step: 0

Detail level: 0

Right side -

Vertical step: 50

Horizontal step: 0

Detail level: 0

If you raise the detail level you get a gray line going down the center. That can be cleaned up with the paintbrush. After that just merge the layers and you have a heart...


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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