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Install Paint.NET

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I'm back because I'm desperated.

I asked my question on MS Community forums but no any one known the same issue as I have...


This is what I obtain when I try to install Paint.NET on my Win 7 64 bits with MS Framework 4.5.1.



Before I installed MS Framework 4.5.1, Paint.NET has well worked. I restored my system image which didn't own Paint.NET installed, this is why I want to reinstall it.


I don't understand where to find the ".msi" file...


May someone help me ? Or indicate to me where ask this question otherwise ?

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The installer is unable to find something it needs.  What location are you installing to?  The default location?


Have you tried installing the beta version of 4.0?

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I try to install it to the default location, like all the software I install.

note: just before this error appears, the installer succeeded to create a system restoration point.


I tried to install the beta 4.0, and that's the same problem, with the same missaing file.


I also tried to uninstall all the MS Frameworks with the .NET Framework Setup Cleanup Utility adviced on MS Community to solve problems with the FrameWorks. But nothing is better, Paint.NET doesn't propose to me to reinstall the Framework 3.5.1.

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Try reinstalling the frameworks you removed.  They're going to be required.  


See the first point in this thread: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/692-install-update-or-uninstall-trouble-read-this/


Then try repairing each of them.  That's points #4 AND #5 in the linked thread.


Note point #9 - is your anti-virus disabled when you try to install?

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My Frameworks I removed was reinstalled before I tried to reinstall Paint.NET, sure !


I now tried to repair the Framework v4.5.1 in Programs & features by clicking on Uninstall/modify.

This is what I obtain : http://www.partage-fichiers.com/upload/2m8bmwrr/

It seemes to me my v4.5.1 knows a real pb... :(

My that constitute the cause of the impossibility to install Paint.NET ?


point#9 : Enabled or disabeled, the problem is the same ...

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Sorry - I have no other ideas.

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It looks to me like it is trying to uninstall a previous version and can't find the file that is needed.

Maybe you could clean up a previous install by following these instructions: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/200-spooky-downloading-problems/?p=587

Then try to install again.

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I tried many many way and this MS Fix it is finally the solution !


Thanks also to Rick Brewster for the link, and Ego Eram reputo for his help !!


The Fix it repaired somethings after I clicked on "Uninstall a prgm > Paint.net v3.5.11" and the installation con now be performed. This is my French report from the Fix it :



Great soft is this Paint.NET, I now relive :)


Thanks a lot for your help !

Problem resolved.

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