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I need help with my paintbrush in Paint.NET

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Since some admin randomly deleted my last post for no valid reason at all - apparently my title was inappropriate despite it only stating that I needed help, here I go again, and hopefully this is appropriate enough for the admins out there!  ;) 


I can't explain it, but when I try to use the paintbrush to colour in, it won't let me! 


It colours in but if I try to go over it it somehow deletes it again, like a marker on a whiteboard!


This is never happened to me before but I admit I was messing around with the tools [i'm pretty new to Paint.NET]


Anyone help me and tell me how to get back to normal?


I need this for a story I'm making [yep, I'm a writer (:]



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Sounds like a blend mode issue. Is it set to Normal or Overwrite?

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@Rick my mistake. My impression of these forums were that there were many admins. 


@Ego thanks anyway, but it seems that saving the picture, exiting and re-entering has solved the problem.


Now that you mention it, I remember tampering around with things relating to whatever you'd mentioned.


Lesson learnt, haha.  :P

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We have four Moderators and three Admins (think of them as Mods on steroids ;) )  You've met Rick, and me.  Here's a list of the others  http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=stats&do=leaders


We're volunteers here.  Like you we are Paint.NET users.  We do the policing of the Forum Rules.  The rules are here to make this a friendly and pleasant place :D

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