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Hello getting along fine with PDN but would like a better edge finder can any one advise me of one that will ping to the edges of a subject, I have seen this on some of the tutorials.

Thank you. Senior citizen

enidan80 B) 



In image terms, edges are not just the borders of your canvas, but also the areas of high contrast between one section of color and another.  I suspect you mean the latter definition :)


You can select areas of common color using the magic wand tool :MagicWandTool:  You can adjust the Tolerance in the ToolBar to more sharply or loosely group similar neighboring pixels.


When assembling or creating images, we often recommend placing individual image elements on their own transparent layer (then we call them objects).  If you do this, then the edges are easily found (transparent vs opaque). 


Does that help?


Hello ego' thank you for your reply I have tried using the magic wand but don't seem to get the edges clean enough.

Is there a tutorial explaining what you have suggested. I am using Version 3.2

Thank you

endian 80 (now 82)


Version 3.2 is very old.  Obsolete old :)  You should upgrade to 3.5.10  - It's free and easy to do (look in the Help menu for an entry "Check for Upgrades").


Glad you've upgraded!

See how the Magic Wand selection changes when you click on the same spot on your image with a different Tolerance setting?

I should explain that the Tolerance setting is a partially filled bar in the Toolbar. It's settings are in %. Change the setting by clicking on the bar itself.

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